How to fill out simple form with credit card
I just migrated back from Dashlane (which I'm already regretting) and was hoping there would be an easy-ish way to simply fill out a form that asks for credit card and contact details. In my case I'm trying to do this in the paid ads section of Craigslist. But so far I can't get 1Password 4 to do this. If I try to fill out the credit card details, it doesn't fill out the verification code (dashlane does, so it's not a craigslist issue) Also, 1P4 lumps first and last name together in the identity portion of the form. Can someone point me in the right direction to fix this and accomplish this basic task?
This kind of problem is a matter of 1PW's interaction with a web site, not a bug that occurs with every site. The problem is most likely due to bad coding on the site, so it is best to report the specific site so the AgileBits people can try to deal with it. That said, Craigslist is one of the sites I would have expected AgileBits to have checked and dealt with.
I have run into the problem you mention on some sites, whereas others fill out fine. And I have checked source code on some sites, and seen why the coding creates a problem.
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is it possible for me to manually create a form in 1P4 that will fill in all the correct data, or does agile need to intervene? Again, Dashlane does it, so it can't be that difficult and Dashlane is free, but it has its own quirks and oddities that I'm not thrilled with.
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Hi @rbro,
I'm sorry to hear that 1Password isn't playing nicely with Craigslist. We do our best to fill in as many forms as possible, but because of the infinite variety in web-design, it's just not possible to work perfectly everywhere: we rely on forms being labelled in a standard way, so if the web developer has used a unique naming scheme, 1Password might not recognize the fields to be filled.
At this point it is not possible to create unique forms, or to edit the details of an Identity to fill better on a specific site. However, I have mentioned Craigslist as a problem site to our form-filling team, and we'll see what we can do to improve 1Password's behaviour here in the future.
Thank you so much for your feedback :)