Export DB to use 1Password Anywhere (while using iCloud sync?)
I currently use 1Password with iCloud sync to synchronise my Apple devices. I have a Linux laptop, however, and have read about using 1Password Anywhere. Is there any way to export my Database from 1Password so I can use 1Password Anywhere on my linux machine? Or do I have to switch out to dropbox to get a usable folder/access to the data?
Thank you!
1PasswordAnywhere is accessible (read-only) through any web browser. But it isn't available with iCloud syncing - only Dropbox.
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Hi, @waffl.
Similar to what I mentioned elsewhere, it's possible to "export" a 1Password keychain that's compatible with 1PasswordAnywhere by using Dropbox sync (of course :)) or Folder sync. You'll have to temporarily disable iCloud sync to do that, which answers this:
Or do I have to switch out to dropbox to get a usable folder/access to the data?
I'll let you know if I find a more convenient way of doing it.