Login not filling in (but password is)

Community Member

I'm using 1Password 4 for Mac (4.1.1) on Safari 7.0.1 (Mac OS X 10.9.1) but I had the same issue with 1Password 3. Most websites are working fine, but my university login website (which i have to use fairly often) the password field populates, but the user name field does not. Interestingly, it works fine in Firefox (15.0.1). The website I'm trying to log in to is https://novanet.villanova.edu
Thanks for any help!


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @DanKraut.

    I've confirmed the issue you're having with a Login item only filling the Password field on that site. I've noted this in our tracker.

    A workaround is to create a second Login item for it with only a user field for the username in web form details, then use that item to fill the User Name and the other item to fill the Password. For example:

    It doesn't matter if the Password-filling item also has a user field.

    I know that's not a real solution but do hope it helps. :)

  • DanKraut
    Community Member

    Thanks, hopefully it will be fixed sometime soon!
    I tried the workaround (similar to what I have to do for my bank), but my user-name only item doesn't fill anything in on the page - not even if i right click on the username field, select 1password, and select it from there. I also tried changing the web form name to User Name instead of username, but it didn't make any difference.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @DanKraut.

    Try changing the field name to user under Show web form details, like in my Villanova 1 (User Name) example, and delete any other fields. That should work.

  • DanKraut
    Community Member

    Hi @sjk,
    I tried that, still no luck. (Running 4.1.3 now)

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @DanKraut.

    Can you let me know if it works after disabling the Animate form filling option under Preferences… > Browser?


  • DanKraut
    Community Member

    Hi @sjk,
    I tried that (i had seen that in an earlier post and tried it before for the whole problem), but it doesn't seem to make a difference. I'm going to quit safari and restart it just in case after changing the prefs in 1password, I'll post again if it made a difference.

  • DanKraut
    Community Member

    nope, that didn't help.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @DanKraut.

    Thanks for trying that; I'm sorry it didn't help. Even with Animate form filling here both my sample items do fill respective fields with 4.1.2 and 4.1.3 in Safari on 10.8.5 and 10.9.2, when selected from 1P mini/extension or the main app. Please check your Messages Inbox for more followup about this.

  • txlonewolf
    Community Member

    Good afternoon, all!

    My wife and I are both having the exact same issue - username /not/ filled in, but pw /is/ filled on. Oddly enough, it is on a school website as well.

    Site: https://aces.alamo.edu/cp/home/displaylogin

    My config:
    OSX 10.9
    FF 26.0
    1P - 4.0.1

    FF - 26.0
    1P - 3.9.20

    I can confirm that opening the web form details and changing the entry to "user" did not resolve the issue. Also, creating a second (new) login in 1P w/ only the username did not solve the problem - the username failed to populate. I did a separate test with both username and pw filled in and created a new login. The new login was created in 1P w/ the info properly captured, but the username was still not filled in when an autofill action was requested.

    Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

    Best regards

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @txlonewolf.

    Here's a generic Login item to fill fields on the https://aces.alamo.edu/cp/home/displaylogin page:

    Alamo Colleges Login.1pif

    Please download/import/test that item, then change the username and password fields to your personal values if it works correctly.

  • txlonewolf
    Community Member

    sjk - It looks like it jumps to the pw field, then back to the username field - a little unusual - but the bottom line is that it works!
    Many thanks for your efforts!

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Glad to hear that worked for you, @txlonewolf, field jumping and all. :)

  • Ethan Maass
    Ethan Maass
    Community Member

    I wish could understand why this worked, but the downloaded pif file frmo sjk works like a charm for this annoying 1Pass behavior.



  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for letting me know that 1PIF item for ACES helped you too, @Ethan.

    Collecting/sharing more of these "template items" in a single location is something I'll be discussing with our team.

  • oregonpete
    Community Member

    Just started having the same problem after an update to OS 10.9.4 (but that may be a coincidence). For several sites, the Password would be filled in but not the Username. Most sites were just fine. Tried creating a new login and all that stuff to no avail.

    I did solve the problem for some of the sites by editing the login with "show web form details", then changing the username designation from Text to Email or something else, saving it, then re-editing to change it back to Text. It didn't always work on the first try, but eventually with enough fooling around with the Username settings, the login started working properly again.

    Except for one site, and this may throw some light on the problem for 1PW support. For the Citibank site, the login was initially created for logging in to the Credit Card section of the website- https://www.citi.com/credit-cards/creditcards/CitiHome.do and had worked perfectly for years. This is the page where I could no longer get the login to fill in the Username as it used to. In frustration, I went to the main CitiBank home page to log in, because I knew I could get to the credit card section from there. https://online.citibank.com/US/JPS/portal/Index.do# Amazingly, the same login that still doesn't fill in the Username on the credit card login page worked perfectly on the main page. There is obviously something different in the way these two pages interact with 1PW.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @oregonpete,

    I'm glad you've been able to fix some recent 1Password filling issues by adjusting web form fields in cases when saving a new Login manually was insufficient. And saving a new Login in the main application instead of through mini can work around issues with certain troublesome sites/pages.

    Citibank, with its multiple citibank.com and citi.com login pages, is one of the financial sites that wants to be an ongoing nuisance for 1Password:

    Finding an alternate login page to use with some sites can be helpful, as you've discovered there.

    Please let us know if you're still having any problems with 1Password that we can help you with. More fixes are coming in version 4.2.4 of the 1Password extension, currently in beta testing.

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