Set a Vault as Default / untangling an install

Community Member
edited February 2014 in Mac

i have a two vault setup. on computer at work i would like to just log in to work vault, at home log in to home vault. can i do this? logging in and switching is adding an extra step in the process. it also increases the likelyhood of adding a password to the wrong vault when you forget to switch.


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @ShadowDad.

    At the moment it's not possible to set a default vault although it's something we'll consider adding.

    With 4.1.3 you can select which vault to use by clicking it in a save window, e.g.:

    I hope that helps. :)

  • ShadowDad
    Community Member

    i have been testing with the work / home scenario before launching into the multiple vault family scenario. where the complexity of primary and secondary is going to be a huge issue for the less technical member of the household. would ultimately like to get to a scenario where we have
    Primary Vault <- common info
    His Vault < ----
    Her Vault < ----
    all replicated with His and Her being defaulted appropriately.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @ShadowDad.

    I'm a bit confused with your preferred multi-vault scenario for your family. Currently the Primary vault will be everyone's default, requiring switching to a Secondary for access to it, regardless of any syncing/sharing of either. Even if a Secondary vault could be the default you'd still have to switch to the Primary or other Secondary for access, again regardless of any syncing/sharing.

    If you intend to have everyone's default vault be synced/shared then for now that has to be everyone's Primary.

  • ShadowDad
    Community Member

    i may have screwed up how i set this up. i think i should not use vaults for sharing between family members, but each have their own primary vault that gets shared, i assume if X shares a primary vault with me it looks different then my primary vault. do i have this right? then i can use vaults for subsets of passwords, work for me by example

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @ShadowDad.

    Thanks for the extra information. I think we can get this sorted out. :)

    i assume if X shares a primary vault with me it looks different then my primary vault. do i have this right?

    Let's say X is syncing their primary vault with a 1Password keychain in Dropbox and shares it. You can sync that keychain with either your primary or a secondary vault. But it's more typical for everyone's primary vault to be their own, optionally synced/shared with a 1Password keychain they want to sync with the primary vault they're using on other systems/devices.

    It might be easier to think about it as sharing/syncing keychains with vaults, something like this:

    Vault X <---syncing---> 1Password keychain <---syncing---> Vault Y

    The keychain is the intermediary between the vaults; there's no direct vault-to-vault syncing.

    Note that if your primary vault is shared then everyone who can unlock it will have your Master Password, which also unlocks all your secondary vaults in 1P4 on your system. That's one reason why someone might only want to share secondary vaults with separate passwords.

    If you have other questions please don't hesitate to ask. I hope that helps. :)

  • ShadowDad
    Community Member

    primary user has Macbook 1password with a bunch of passwords stored in it
    secondary user installed with same code, thinking vaults were for families

    what i think i really want is a family license and the share vault of common passwords each keeping our own seperate list for the myriad of pw's that don't need to be shared.

    is this the right way to configure this?
    for secondary user do i just throw away their install and do a new one

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ShadowDad,

    I think you've hit on a good set-up here: each user will have their own install of 1Password with their own primary vault to hold their personal Logins and information, then you will all share a secondary vault with all of the family passwords and information.

    So, when you are setting up 1Password for the second user, select "I'm new to 1Password" on the Welcome screen and go through the process of setting up a primary vault. (Our Setting Up 1Password Guide can help you through this.)

    We also have a handy tutorial here on how to share a non-primary vault.

    I hope this gets you all sorted out, but please do let us know if you have any questions - I know that multiple vaults can be a bit confusing at first ... but they're pretty handy once you get the hang of it all!

  • ShadowDad
    Community Member

    i assume to make this all work, i delete the current install in system 2, remove the folder from drop box. reinstall i upgraded our license to family already

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ShadowDad,

    Is there currently any data in 1Password 4 on "system 2" that you want to keep? And is Dropbox syncing configured there with a keychain that any other systems/devices are currently syncing with? You won't want to remove the keychain from Dropbox if it's still used and needed somewhere.

  • ShadowDad
    Community Member

    if i look in drop box on system 1 (the one i really don't want to screw up) i see
    1 Password.agilekeychain 373k with 300 some items recorded it
    system 2 Passwords.agilekeychain <- ideally i would seed the second user with this subset
    the systems were set up with same key... which i now understand was a mistake.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ShadowDad,

    Just to make sure we fully understand your current 1Password configuration please send us a Diagnostics Report from both systems, along with a link to this topic, to support+forum at agilebits dot com. A brief comment here mentioning that you've sent the reports would also be helpful.

    After seeing the reports we'll be able to better assist you with any 1Password 4 reinstallation and reconfiguration so it works the way you want it to. Thanks in advance!

  • ShadowDad
    Community Member

    i have emailed diagnostics from both machines, included copy of link to this discussion one email comes from rob@ the other from Cindy@
    about 3 hours apart sorry got interrupted. will check back here for further instructions

    thx again a ton

  • ShadowDad
    Community Member

    correction first email is from shurtleff@ second one is from cindy@

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    We've received both reports, @ShadowDad -- thanks! We'll be replying with further instructions through email so we're not getting wires crossed between here and there. :)

This discussion has been closed.