Why would browser extension fill ALL the form fields?
I'm using browser extension for Safari and Chrome, and it fills the username field with username, password field with password, and all other fields with username. This is really annoying.
As I remember, it didn't behave like that before. And I cannot find a setting for that.
Please help
Try saving a new login manually for one of the troublesome sites and see if that helps.
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On all sites? On some sites? On one site in particular? Some URLs might help.
The thing is that sites are often carelessly coded, which creates trouble with 1PW. But there could be a bug in 1PW, or just a failure to be clever enough to deal with the particular bad coding.
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Try this: http://www.airchina.com.cn/en/index.shtml
My web form detail is like:
INMID 00258xxxxxxx Text (a user icon) INPIN ************ Password (a key icon)
another example is http://www.bj-publib.net.cn/login.aspx (in Chinese)
form detail is similar, username / password
In both case, many if not all fields are filled by username or password, including email subscription and captcha.
My guess is if 1P cannot find exact place to fill in the username/password, it'll fill every field who's type="text"
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I think that is the sort of problem you may solve by doing what I suggested in post #2 above. Have you tried it?
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Sorry, I skipped #2.
I've tried, and it works partly.
As I see, 1P saves some context of the login form, and your way in #2 seems re-save it, and it indeed works for one site.
Well, in the site that I need to login from another place, the field name may vary (sometimes I will blame the web developer), and that's the thing happened.
For example, I bought tickets from AirChina, I've got a member no. to login, and when I order tickets, I'll fill the member no. to get member points, and when I try to use 1P to fill it, 1P fills all fields, including where I filled, like address, mobile number or so.
the screenshot: cl.ly/TQAQ
You may try to book a ticket on http://www.airchina.com.cn/en/index.shtml
I'd like to have a preference to make it less clever.
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Hi, any update?
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Hi Tony,
I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble getting 1Password to fill some sites for you. As @Stephen_C suggests, the easiest solution here is to manually save a new Login. This will update the information in 1Password and ensure that the webform details are correct. You shouldn't have to do this with every Login currently in your database, but it can be helpful when you are seeing problems.
In fact, these steps are a good way to save any new Login. :)
In general, 1Password depends on fields being labelled in a certain way to tell which fields should get filled with which data. If a site does not have fields labelled in a standard way, 1Password can get a bit overzealous. In cases like this, you may need to copy and paste your information.
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Sure I understand for some sites it won't work, and I have no problem to do manual copy/paste.
The problem is I don't know it's not working, and the it already fills all the fields with same information, including those I already filled.
And I have to manually re-fill everything, and even worse, sometimes it fills some hidden fields (not the type="hidden", parts of the forms are not showing) causing troubles.0 -
It does the same for me. With https://springboard.fastspring.com - it always fills the company field out with my username. Even when the form field is hidden it does it.
Going to "Save new login" as instructed does absolutely nothing. Selecting the menu item appears to have no effect at all. I do not get any dialog as suggested should happen in the saving logins manually info page.
This is with Safari.
Any suggestions?
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Hi Tony,
I apologize that this has been causing you trouble. Our developers are working on ways to make 1Password behave better with respect to hidden and unlabelled fields. If you can send along a few of the other URLs that you're seeing this behaviour with, I'd be happy to pass these along to our developer to help in the improvement process. I can't promise an immediate improvement in 1Password's behaviour, but the more information we have about sites where it is currently having problems, the better we'll be able to find solutions. :)
Hi @sdsykes,
Thanks so much for including the URL of the site. I've done some testing here, and I was able to create a new Login that fills all three fields as expected. Here are the steps I used:
- Edit the login that you currently have for this website by appending an "Old" to the title - just so you can tell them apart.
- Visit the site and fill in the fields you want filled. Do NOT click the login button.
- Click the 1Password extension, and unlock it if necessary
- Click the gear icon (or vault icon if multiple vaults are enabled) in the upper right corner.
- Select Save new login.
- Give the entry a unique and identifiable title.
- Click Save.
- Revisit the site and see if 1Password fills in the site correctly.
Please let me know if this new Login behaves nicely for you! (I've got my fingers crossed.)
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It's good enough that you know this issue and will improve it.
I don't remember many sites with it, but most of it is address related.
One example is the Amazon, adding the new address. The url for me is (https://www.amazon.com/gp/css/account/address/view.html?ie=UTF8&viewID=newAddress)
On that site, cmd-\ will fills every blank fields.
My saved login credential is
.For hidden fields, I guess it's hard to judge, but if 1P doesn't fill things it doesn't know, it won't be a problem.
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I noticed today that if you manually save a login following @Megan's steps, you MUST have the cursor in one of the form fields. If you do not and attempt to save, 1p will silently not save anything.
I presume this is because it can't tell which of many forms on the page should be saved, but I think it should have some sort of indication that it did not save a login, since it took me several tries before I figured it out. I suspect @sdsykes is experiencing the same issue.
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Hello, Megan,
I am experiencing the same problem with http://www.bestwestern.com (where it inserts my 16 numeric digit user name in the "destination" field and also the "number of children field" (!). I have tried the new login you described in post #11, multiple times deletion of the entire 1P entry for the site and re-creating, restarting Safari, and also 1P. I even deleted the bw cookie, which did prevent the site from remembering my user name ...once. The problem happens both with the OSX version 4.1.2 and also the iOS version 4.3.2 -- suggesting to me that the problem really is at bw.com....but their support is not what 1Ps is, so I'll follow this forum and hope.0 -
Hi Tony,
That URL is quite helpful, thanks! I've tested here, and my address fills in correctly. Here are my steps (in Chrome):
- Log in to Amazon.com and go to the Address page
- Use the shortcut Control-Command-\ to open 1Password Mini (or click the key icon in the menu bar)
- Navigate to your chosen Identity
- Press Enter
What steps are you using that are leading to this error?
There has been some discussion among our developers lately about hidden fields, and we are keen to help 1Password behave better in cases like this.
Hi @alanshutko,
Thanks for adding your thoughts here! Could you tell me which sites you have noticed this on and what browser you are using? I've tested on a few sites myself (including the https://springboard.fastspring.com site that @sdsykes mentioned), and 1Password will pop up with the dialog box after I select 'Save New Login', even if my cursor is not in one of the selected fields. But if you're seeing different behaviour, we certainly want to do some further investigating!
Hi @Quietwalker,
Thanks so much for the kind words - flattery is a good way to get your problem addressed quickly ;) In this case, however, I don't have a perfect answer for you. Best Western's site uses an iframe for its log-in window, which is a bit tricky for 1Password because this window essentially has a different domain. With sites like this, we would generally recommend trying to find an alternate Login page that is slightly less complicated, but I have been unable to locate one for Best Western. For the time being, you may have to resort to copying and pasting your Login information in here. You can use the Anchor feature in 1Password Mini to pin the details to the screen and make it easier to copy and paste.
I can promise you that our developers are looking for a way to help 1Password behave better on this type of site while still maintaining your security.
Please let me know if you have any further questions!
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I'm using the exactly same steps. Just that I have only
saved in 1P, no address info. So I expect 1P fills nothing, or a popup asking for actions. The actual result is every field is filled with my email.0 -
Hi Tony,
Thanks for confirming that for me! You're right, this is a case of 1Password being a bit overzealous. However, 1Password is filling these fields because you have asked it to. Once you have given the command to fill, 1Password looks for fields labelled
. If it doesn't find the fields it is looking for, it assumes that the fields are somewhere on the page, just incorrectly labelled, and so fills to the best of its ability. We are looking at improving this in the future, as it can often cause more trouble than it's worth. :)0 -
Hi Megan, Thanks for your response re Best Western -- I actually received a response from their tech support also and they also recommend the same copy & paste (but without identifying the iframe issue). Can you please identify the Anchor feature in either OSX or iOS version? .... Wait; I found it -- it does help; thanks!
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Thanks. Looking forward to the improvement.
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Hi guys,
@Quietwalker: For the Best Western site you may be able create and use a Login item on the My Account - Sign In page (via View Text Only on the main page), then switch back to the original version of the page after using it.
Tony: You're welcome, on @Megan's behalf. We're looking forward to improvements for this, too. :)
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Megan, I found the Anchor feature in OSX. It was rather obvious when I looked....it helps; thanks.
SJK -- thanks for the suggestion re View Text Only -- I tried it; didn't seem to work -- it still populated my 16 digit user name in the "No. of Children" field again -- that's a really frightening thought! -- and every other user-selectable field.
My workaround (other than the Anchor) is just copy and paste the password and allow BW to "remember me" my user name.
Thanks to both of you for your help -- I don't know any other app for my Mac that gets anywhere near this kind of support!0 -
@Megan, https://www.myaccount.charter.com/order/login.aspx was the page I had trouble saving a new login (despite the form being filled) until I clicked in the form.
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Hi @alanshutko,
Thanks for sending along that URL. I've tested it in Chrome, Safari and Firefox, and the Login dialog will open when I request it in each browser. Were you trying to save a Login using the same details that you already have saved? We're currently tracking a bug where the dialog box will not pop up if the details you are trying to save are the same as the details saved in 1Password.
Please let me know what version number of 1Password you are using, and what browser you've been seeing this error in.
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I was trying to save a login with the same username and password, but a different zip code.
Version Information for: /Applications/1Password.app
CFBundleShortVersionString 4.1.2
CFBundleVersion 412009Version Information for: /Applications/Safari.app
CFBundleShortVersionString 7.0.2
CFBundleVersion 9537.74.8Operating System Information:
ProductName: Mac OS X
OS X Version: 10.9.2
BuildVersion: 13C440 -
Thanks for the additional info, @alanshutko.
I can confirm an issue with saving a new Login item, or updating an existing one, for the https://www.myaccount.charter.com/order/login.aspx page after changing the Service Address Zip Code field. That's the bug we're tracking that @Megan mentioned earlier.
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Sweet! Glad it's on the list.