Dropbox sync still failing in 4.1.2 [reenable Dropbox syncing after updating to 4.1.2]
I just installed 1Password on a new machine a week ago, and noticed tonight that some recently-added data are nowhere to be found, specifically a Bank Account with a password I (stupidly) entrusted to 1Password + Dropbox and cannot recover otherwise/elsewhere. I'm using Dropbox syncing and have had the same Dropbox account synced since July or August. I'm using Mac OS 10.9 and 1Password 4.1.2
It almost seems like it just stopped syncing suddenly. In fact, upon further inspection, it looks like nothing had been synced between the end of November and early January, even though it's been connected on the same machine to the same Dropbox account with no config changes otherwise. I've also gotten regular growl notifications from Dropbox that 1Password created a new backup file there.
Dear AB 1P team,
even though I am at version 4.1.2 already I still see sync failures occuring with a vault stored in Dropbox. After each reboot, I get lines like this in /var/log/system.log:
Jan 21 17:06:02 xoxo.local 2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper[360]: 412009 [SYNC:0x7fb4fac327b0:] E setupKeychainProfile | Cannot sync, failed to load keychain profile: Error Domain=com.agilebits.onepassword.ErrorDomain Code=100 "Profil konnte nicht geladen werden" UserInfo=0x7fb4faf5a970 {NSURL=file://localhost/Users/logan/Dropbox/ABS/1Password.agilekeychain/data/default/.1password.keys?applesecurityscope=386561396462353461336663326532383535626637303936396561623538653138386336363862353b30303030303030303b30303030303030303b303030303030303030303030303032303b636f6d2e6170706c652e6170702d73616e64626f782e726561642d77726974653b30303030303030313b30313030303030363b303030303030303030303036316335653b2f75736572732f61726e64742f64726f70626f782f6162732f3170617373776f72642e6167696c656b6579636861696e, NSLocalizedDescription=Profil konnte nicht geladen werden, NSUnderlyingError=0x7fb4faf80670 "Die Datei „.1password.keys“ konnte nicht geöffnet werden, da Sie nicht die Zugriffsrechte haben, um sie anzuzeigen."}
Jan 21 17:06:02 xoxo.local 2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper[360]: 412009 [SYNC:0x7fb4fac327b0:] E setupAndUnlockKeychainProfile | Cannot sync: no active profile
Jan 21 17:06:02 xoxo.local sandboxd[144] ([360]): 2BUA8C4S2C.com.a(360) deny file-read-data /Users/logan/Dropbox/ABS/1Password.agilekeychain/data/default/1password.keys
Jan 21 17:06:02 xoxo.local sandboxd[144] ([360]): 2BUA8C4S2C.com.a(360) deny file-read-data /Users/logan/Dropbox/ABS/1Password.agilekeychain/data/default/.1password.keys
Jan 21 17:49:32 xoxo.local 2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper[360]: 412009 [SYNC:0x7fb4fac57ab0:] E setupKeychainProfile | Cannot sync, failed to load keychain profile: Error Domain=com.agilebits.onepassword.ErrorDomain Code=100 "Profil konnte nicht geladen werden" UserInfo=0x7fb4fd599e80 {NSURL=file://localhost/Users/logan/Dropbox/ABS/1Password.agilekeychain/data/default/.1password.keys?applesecurityscope=386561396462353461336663326532383535626637303936396561623538653138386336363862353b30303030303030303b30303030303030303b303030303030303030303030303032303b636f6d2e6170706c652e6170702d73616e64626f782e726561642d77726974653b30303030303030313b30313030303030363b303030303030303030303036316335653b2f75736572732f61726e64742f64726f70626f782f6162732f3170617373776f72642e6167696c656b6579636861696e, NSLocalizedDescription=Profil konnte nicht geladen werden, NSUnderlyingError=0x7fb4fad7c740 "Die Datei „.1password.keys“ konnte nicht geöffnet werden, da Sie nicht die Zugriffsrechte haben, um sie anzuzeigen."}
Jan 21 17:49:32 xoxo.local 2BUA8C4S2C.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper[360]: 412009 [SYNC:0x7fb4fac57ab0:] E setupAndUnlockKeychainProfile | Cannot sync: no active profile
Jan 21 17:49:32 xoxo.local sandboxd[144] ([360]): 2BUA8C4S2C.com.a(360) deny file-read-data /Users/logan/Dropbox/ABS/1Password.agilekeychain/data/default/1password.keys
Jan 21 17:49:32 xoxo.local sandboxd[144] ([360]): 2BUA8C4S2C.com.a(360) deny file-read-data /Users/logan/Dropbox/ABS/1Password.agilekeychain/data/default/.1password.keys
Jan 21 17:49:59 xoxo.local 1Password[11243]: 412009 [APP:0x60800006a540:] M applicationDidFinishLaunching: | Starting 1Password (AppStore) 4.1.2 #412009 built Jan 7 2014 17:41:41
Jan 21 17:50:01 xoxo.local mDNSResponder[44]: 58: Could not write data to clientPID11243 because of error - aborting connection
Jan 21 17:50:01 xoxo.local mDNSResponder[44]: 58: DNSServiceGetAddrInfo v4v6 d2x2f6qan2kccj.cloudfront.net. PID11243As you see, the path of the vault is /Users/logan/Dropbox/ABS/1Password.agilekeychain — in this special case the subdirectory /Users/logan/Dropbox/ABS/ is however owned by a different Dropbox account than the Dropbox root directory /Users/logan/Dropbox/ — which is perhaps causing this.
As my configuration is valid, useful and supported by Dropbox, 1Password needs to cater for it, too.
Frankly I am very disappointed that this still does not work after ALL THESE MONTHS that 1P v4 has been out on OSX! I am quite frustrated.
Thank you & best regards,
LoganPS: I know how to make the syncing go again — until the next reboot! — so no need to tell me. I'd like to migrate to the non-AppStore version though in the desparate hope that this will work better (perhaps after removing all the Quarantine xattrs from /Applications/1Password.app by means "xattr -rc /Applications/1Password.app"), so please provide me with a license code for the AB version. Thank you very much!
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Welcome to the club! Luckily your data isn't lost, though, just go to the machine were you added the data that did not get synced, invoke 1Password, open the preferences, disable the Dropbox syncing, and then re-enable the Dropbox syncing again, choosing the very same 1Password.agilekeychain object as before. 1Password will now be once again able to sync to this 1Password.agilekeychain — until your next reboot, probably, after which you will very likely need to perform the procedure again — and will merge the contents of the 1Password.agilekeychain with your local database contents in both directions. This will make your new entries show up in your Dropbox keychain, too, and will make them accessible by the other system(s). Only drawback: entries which you deleted locally will spring back to life as 1Password includes them again from the Dropbox 1Password.agilekeychain.
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@Logan - hilariously, that machine is no longer available. It was sold. Ultimately, my fault for not having this info written down somewhere, but then again, I had no reason not to trust that synced meant synced.
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Hi Kyle,
Thanks for taking the time to contact us. Sincere apologies for the trouble you experienced.
There is a sandboxing bug that we have reported to Apple. It only affected the Mac App Store builds since the version of 1Password from our website is not sandboxed. We've since released the 4.1.2 update that resolves things, but you will probably still need to reenable Dropbox syncing in 1Password's preferences (since the bug was that it would be disabled upon restarting your Mac).
Again, I'm really sorry about this, but it should be resolved as long as you are using 4.1.2 and have reenabled Dropbox syncing.
If you're still having trouble, could you please email us a Diagnostics Report?
Download the 1Password Troubleshooting utility and follow the instructions to generate the report.
Then attach the entire file to an email to us: support@ agilebits .com
Please do not post your Diagnostics Report in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email so that we can "connect the dots" when we see your Diagnostics Report in our inbox.
Once we see the report we should be able to better assist you. Thanks in advance!
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I see there were a couple more posts while I was drafting my reply. (My fault for not refreshing the page before beginning my reply.)
@Logan8212, as I mentioned above, everything should be resolved in 4.1.2. Please do email us a Diagnostics Report if you are still having trouble. If you're not using the Mac App Store version of 1Password then you definitely should send us a report since it would then be a completely different issue. We will resolve it for you.
@kylebragger, do you have a backup of the machine you sold?
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Answering your last point only, the AgileBits store version should recognise your App Store purchase and license the AgileBits store app automatically (I believe). Even if there is a problem, you should still be able to run the AgileBits store version for its trial period (30 days, I think) while you sort things out with AgileBits.
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@khad no, I don't. The machine was wiped and sold long before I realized the syncing issue was going on. Sounds like there's nothing I can do. Pretty upset though. How long has this bug been known?
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I'm really sorry to hear you don't have any backups. Obviously this issue is not your fault at all, but please be sure that you always have backups. Data availability is a critical component of security (one that is often overlooked). Ideally there will never be any bugs in any software (including 1Password), but unfortunately that is not the reality.
I can't express how much we are sorry that this happened.
How long has this bug been known?
I don't have precise information, but AFAIK it started in 4.1 which was released December 5. It may have taken some time to discover it, so it could have even been a week or so before we were aware of it. I really can't say with certainty. It was fixed pretty quickly but with the App Store things will always be delayed as updates need to be approved by Apple before you can download them. The 4.1.2 update was available on the App Store on January 7. (But Dropbox sync still may have needed to be reenabled even after the 4.1.2 update was installed.)
If I could go back in time and help you before this happened I definitely would. Going forward, though, please be sure to always back up your data (especially cases where you are completely wiping a drive — there may even have been other information on that drive that you find you need later).
One other thing you can do if you wish would be to switch to using the builds of 1Password available directly on our website. In this specific instance you would have avoided the issue altogether since it was related to sandboxing and thus did not affect the version of 1Password available outside of the App Store. This is not a panacea, of course, but in this fairly specific case it would have helped. Additionally, if you are using the version of 1Password available on our website we are able to release updates more quickly for issues like this as soon as they are discovered. This will always be the case since we approve update to the version of 1Password available on our website ourselves rather than waiting on a third party to approve them.
I hope that helps even a little but, though I understand there is little consolation to be found for matters such as these. If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. We are always here to help!
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@khad Thanks for the reply. Yes, I should have made a separate backup, but as these things usually go, I naively thought that 1Password + external sync + data on multiple devices would have been enough. Nonetheless, lesson learned.
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Under normal circumstances that absolutely should have been enough. You were not wrong in that belief, and I'm sorry this happened. It's just always a good idea to have both belt and suspenders in place because of Murphy and his awful law.
Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you ever have any other trouble or if you still find you can't get Dropbox to sync even in 4.1.2.
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Is it a primary or secondary vault?
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Hello Stephen, thank you, this is great news, and a very nice and customer friendly solution. Kudos! Best, Logan
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Hello khad,
It is a primary account; I have not started trying secondaries as I first want to make sure the setup which I brought over from 1Password 3 will work again with 1P 4.
But my problem appears to be fixed anyway, since in another forum thread you wrote:
The 4.1.2 update was available on the App Store on January 7. (But Dropbox sync still may have needed to be reenabled even after the 4.1.2 update was installed.)
Well, this last sentence in parentheses was helpful! I was not aware that after installing 4.1.2 the "disable, then reenable Dropbox sync" routine would be needed one more time to fix things for good. (I had installed the App Store version of 4.1.2 on January 12 already but didn't reboot until a few days ago and then saw Dropbox syncing fail again, so I assumed the problem was still present, but because 4.1.2 should have fixed it, the persistence of the problem would probably be related to my setup using a folder imported from a different Dropbox user account.)
But the good news is that after another reboot the syncing still works, in both directions, just as it should, so perhaps the problem is really fixed with the App Store version 4.1.2. In this case I apologize for the false alarm, but you should have really pointed this out in the App Store "What's New" notes. They just say "Rebooting no longer causes sync to fail when using a custom location in the Dropbox folder." so I assumed no further action was necessary.
Thank you & all the best, keep up the good work!
Logan0 -
Hello khad,
I am using the App Store version of 4.1.2 and had the problem reappear after my first reboot after upgrading to 4.1.2.
You however made my day when, in a post further up this thread, you wrote:
The 4.1.2 update was available on the App Store on January 7. (But Dropbox sync still may have needed to be reenabled even after the 4.1.2 update was installed.)
Well, this last sentence in parentheses was helpful! I was not aware that after installing 4.1.2 the "disable, then reenable Dropbox sync" routine would be needed one more time to fix things for good. You should have really pointed this out in the App Store "What's New" notes for the 4.1.2 upgrade. There it just says "Rebooting no longer causes sync to fail when using a custom location in the Dropbox folder." so I assumed no further action was necessary.
Now after another reboot the syncing still works, in both directions, just as it should, so perhaps the problem is really fixed with the App Store version 4.1.2.
Thanks a lot,
Logan0 -
Hi @Logan8212,
On behalf of Khad, thanks so much for letting us know that you're all sorted out! If you run into any further snags, we're here for you. :)