Can't find files to copy
1Password 4.1.2 on Mavericks 10.9.1.
I recently lost my hard drive in my iMac, and replaced it today and installed Mavericks. I'm getting everything back to the computer, and the first thing I went to copy was my 1Password keychain from my MBP. Except I can't find the keychain. Where I thought it was, and where this link from here says it is, it's not.
In fact, the directory doesn't even exist. There is a <hex#>.com.agilebits.onepassword-osx-helper directory, i.e. the same as the one indicated in the document, but with 10 hex digits at the beginning of it, but there is nothing in that directory's Data/Documents subdirectory.
I don't want to use Dropbox or iCloud to sync. In fact, I don't really want to sync at all, at least for now. I just want to get the existing keychain from one computer to another.
I went looking around, and couldn't find a .agilekeychain file anywhere. Underneath the Data directory is a Library/Data directory, and in that directory is a OnePassword.sqlite file (and *-shm *-wal files). All of them have a timestamp on them from today, so they might be it, but if you transitioned from a keychain file to a SQLite database I missed it. (And, anyway, the document at the link was written for 1Password 4, and was updated as recently as May.)
So, how do I copy my 1Password data from one machine to the other?
Does post #2 in this thread help? (1P4 does use an SQLite database and not a keychain file.)
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Perfect, yes it does. Thanks very much!