1Password Mini doesn't show correct logins

Community Member

I have a couple of logins that show up in the 1password app, but do not show completely in 1password mini or the chrome extension.

Here is a video explaining the problem:


  • Hi @aktive0,

    Give this a try:

    Go to one of the items that is not displaying in mini and edit it. Ensure that the Display option it set to Always:

    Does that help? :)

  • aktive0
    Community Member

    they are both set to display always. I believe this is the default anyway...so the issue still remains.

  • aktive0
    Community Member

    it seems the issue is somehow related to the fact that they are for the same site.

  • Jasper
    edited February 2014

    That's strange. There shouldn't be any issue having multiple logins for the same site. From the behaviour in the video (item not displaying in Logins, yet still displaying under Tags), I thought that AWS - Recognize would have it's Display option set to Never display in browser rather than Always.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @aktive0,

    This is indeed a strange problem. I'm not able to recreate what you are seeing, unless I change the display option to 'Never'.

    Could you take a screenshot of the details of AWG - Recognize? There are instructions on how to take a screenshot here: http://take-a-screenshot.org/. You can save the image to a service like Dropbox and include a link in your reply.

    Please also let me know the version number of 1Password that you are currently using.

  • aktive0
    Community Member

    I haven't changed the display property ever.

  • aktive0
    Community Member

    1Password: Version 4.1.3 (413002)

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @aktive0.

    Thanks for the screenshot.

    If you search for AWS in 1P mini does it only match the single AWS - Onydo item, like under the Logins menu? Also, try a search for AWS in the 1P4 main toolbar field and let me know what that matches. Finally, please duplicate the stealthy AWS - Onydo item and see if that dup shows up where it belongs.

    Hopefully that helps shed some new light on this peculiar problem. :)

  • aktive0
    Community Member
    edited February 2014

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/k7xw5012o0noci1/Screenshot 2014-02-05 14.33.02.png

    Searching in both mini and main toolbar works fine. You'll notice I added another login to a different site(dreamhost). This also does not show up in mini or toolbar via the "Login" menu item as you can see in the image.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the followup, @aktive0.

    Have you restarted 1Password mini and/or your Mac since this problem started? If doing either/both doesn't resolve the problem please send a Diagnostics Report and we'll help get this sorted out through email; instructions are here:

    Sending us your Diagnostics Report to help us help you!

    Please do not post your Diagnostics Report in the forum, but do include a link to this topic in the email so we can "connect the dots" when we receive it. A quick comment here mentioning that you've sent it would also be helpful. Thanks in advance!

  • aktive0
    Community Member

    I deleted AWS - Onydo(and the copy), and now Logins menu is empty. I restarted 1password and mini and still the menu is blank:
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/n30qt4gpyrrpxvo/Screenshot 2014-02-05 14.56.14.png

    I can't restart computer now(at work), but I will try when i get home. If it still doesn't work I'll send diag report. thanks.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    I'm sorry restarting 1P mini didn't help, @aktive0. Thanks for giving that a try. If you send a Diagnostics Report later, after a system restart also doesn't help, please address it to support+forum@ agilebits .com (also mentioned in the instructions) and I'll be able to spot it more quickly. Thanks again!

  • aktive0
    Community Member

    Hello, I restarted my computer and it still doesn't work. I"ve added several more logins but the main menu is only showing 3. It doesn't make much sense.

    I downloaded the app to create a diagnostic report and had a look through the payload it creates. It contains an extraordinary amount of personal information and I will not be sending this over. I've emailed support and asked for them to tell me what specific information they will need and I will provide it. Thanks.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @aktive0.

    I've responded to your email about this issue. We can continue the conversation there so we're not getting wires crossed in both places. :)

This discussion has been closed.