1PasswordAnywhere feature requests: clickable links and Copy button

Community Member
edited March 2014 in Mac

I'd like to be able to do some developing on a Chromebook. This, of course, means no native apps so the regular 1P browser extensions won't work. I was delighted to read about 1PasswordAnywhere, it seemed like the answer to my problem except for a few issues:

[1] am I missing something or is there no way to actually initiate a login from the right hand pane? The login URL for the entry is displayed so shouldn't it at least actually be an active link to take me to the site I want to log in to?

[2] the only option to get the passwords seems to be the small (and kind of ugly) REVEAL button. That would be so much better as a COPY button, just like the native app and the regular browser extensions. Is this because of browser clipboard security? It's not a huge deal because I use 1P-generated passwords which are impossible to remember from just a glance but I don't like the idea of 'revealing' my passwords anywhere.

Aside from these couple of issues and some instability it seems like a great solution.

Then of course you remember that to get to your 1P Anywhere page on a public machine you have to launch the .html file from within Dropbox. And your Dropbox login is securely tucked away inside 1Password! "Did you mean recursion?" :)


  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    It's pretty obvious to me that to use 1PasswordAnywhere, you do have to remember two passwords: the one for 1P and the one for Dropbox. Otherwise, it can't work.

  • weavermedia
    Community Member

    Indeed. But do you have any insight into the main two points - initiating a login from 1PA and REVEAL vs. COPY passwords?

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    I do know that 1PasswordAnywhere is read-only, which is why, I assume, you can't use it directly to initiate a login. Because of that, I haven't ever tried to think about a direct copy button. But again, I assume that the lack of copy relates to the read-only nature of that way of accessing the secure data. You can copy out of the web display by highlighting, etc. but not directly.

    I'm not on the AgileBits team, so they will need to elaborate if this is not enough information.

  • weavermedia
    Community Member

    It would be great if the URL in the Login detailsPane was a clickable link.

    Although I really appreciate being able to access my passwords from any machine it becomes more painful to use on something like a Chromebook when it's my ONLY way to retrieve passwords. Being able to remove one of the copy/paste moves by making the link clickable would be great.


  • Thanks for the feedback, @weavermedia! I agree 1PasswordAnywhere could certainly use a functionality facelift. It was originally built as a stand-in to have something to use on Windows until our 1Password for Windows product was released. That was quite a while ago. :)

    Hopefully our developers will have some time to give it some attention after the dust from 1Password 4 (on all platforms) settles a bit.



  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi, @weavermedia.

    Thanks for bringing up these issues with 1PasswordAnywhere.

    As you've noted, 1PA doesn't support active links for URLs or filling. And only a Reveal and no Copy button.

    In Chrome it's possible to highlight a URL in 1PA and select Go to URL in the context menu, e.g.:

    Maybe that's a possible workaround for active links on your Chromebook.

    I'll pass along all these omissions as suggestions for 1PA to our developers.

    About the "recursion" scenario between 1PasswordAnywhere access and your Dropbox password, here's something Jeff wrote under Lesson 1: Some might need more than one password in More than just one password: Lessons from an epic hack:

    I love the idea that 1Password allows me to just remember one password, my 1Password Master Password. But some of us may actually want to remember a couple more. Here are the strong, unique passwords that I choose to remember:

    3. My Dropbox password

    That's a tough one for anyone using 1Password and Dropbox not to have on their list of memorable passwords. :)

    Have a great weekend!

  • weavermedia
    Community Member

    Hey @oversoul

    Thanks for the tip about Go To url, I didn't know that was there.

    I read that article by Jeff a while ago after link-hopping from the XKCD comic - I do agree that remembering a handful of the most important passwords is advisable but it's so comfy not having to! When I think how many times I use CMD+\ every day it's incredible.

  • weavermedia
    Community Member
    edited February 2014

    That's awesome, thanks!

    [ to Ben :) ]

  • 1PasswordAnywhere is simply a HTML file. You can just edit it yourself.

    @sjk Would changes to 1Password.html inside an Agile Keychain remain there? Or will 1Password replace it with the default?

    If changes are saved, @weavermedia, you could just change line 3424 in 1Password.html from:

    r += "<th><h1>" + this.title + "</h1>" + this.domain + "</th></tr>";


    r += "<th><h1>" + this.title + "</h1><a href='" + this.domain + "' target='_blank'>" + this.domain + "</a></th></tr>";

    That solves the problem.

    Or better yet, get the developers to make that little change, @sjk. :)

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hey @weavermedia,

    I've merged your separate request for clickable links in 1PasswordAnywhere together with this other 1PA request topic so it's all under one hood now. :)

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for that proposed change, @JasperP -- nice!

    I'll let you if there are implications of manually editing the 1Password.html file and, of course, suggest the change be made to our code here for a future update. :)

  • Thanks, @sjk. I think @weavermedia's idea is a good one, it seems that having the URL clickable is a no brainer. :-bd

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    I've now got an answer for this, @JasperP:

    Would changes to 1Password.html inside an Agile Keychain remain there? Or will 1Password replace it with the default?

    1Password.html in an Agile Keychain will be replaced if it's older than the 1Password_agile_keychain.html resource file in the 1Password app bundle that it's being compared with. If you set the modification time of 1Password.html far into the future then changes to it should be preserved, even if the keychain and resource file content differs.

  • Thanks, @sjk. Good to know.

    So, @weavermedia, if you'd like to make that change to 1PasswordAnywhere, here are the steps:

    • First, change line 3424 of 1Password.html from:

      r += "<th><h1>" + this.title + "</h1>" + this.domain + "</th></tr>";


      r += "<th><h1>" + this.title + "</h1><a href='" + this.domain + "' target='_blank'>" + this.domain + "</a></th></tr>";

    • Save the changes.

    • Open a Terminal window and type touch -mt 201502080000. Or any future date you'd like that's in the format YYYYMMDDhhmm.
    • Add a space, then drag your 1Password.html file from inside the Agile Keychain to the Terminal window. For example, you'll have something like this: touch -mt 201502080000 /Users/Jasper/Dropbox/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain/1Password.html
    • Press the return key. Be sure not to modify the html file after doing these steps or you'll change the modification date back to the current time.

    Hope that helps! :)

  • weavermedia
    Community Member

    Hey @JasperP that's really helpful, thanks.

    I've also added .focus() to the search box initializer on line 3592 so that when the page reloads I can just start typing my search query without having to click into the search field. That's one of the other gripes I had :-) :

    3592 $('#search').val("").focus();

    @sjk I noticed a couple of interesting things as I was looking through the HTML code:

    [1] ZeroClipboard seems to be partially implemented but the call to enableCopyableEntries() is commented out. I assume this is for copying passwords with a button instead of selecting and copying manually. I wonder how much work it would be to get this fully operational? That would be a killer addition to this page.

    [2] The 'REVEAL' button is supposed to toggle between REVEAL and HIDE but will never do so as every time the function is called it is passed true as the 'concealed' boolean. Just a tiny UI thing but it caught my eye.

    Having said all the above I am quite confident that the dev team are planning (or even working on) a big update to 1PA and I look forward to it eagerly. Chromebook users all over the world will rejoice!

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @weavermedia,

    I'm glad to hear @JasperP's clickable link change was helpful and know he will be, too. :)

    Thanks for the followup ideas/issues. I've included those in our tracker with others for 1PasswordAnywhere, which is planned to get a makeover:

    1PasswordAnywhere update for version 4? [Planned for a future update, no timeframes]

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