Hide Specific Logins in Extension

Community Member

On some websites like for example PayPal, I have several account in each country but almost always I login into one of them only. Now when I use the extension on Chrome and want to insert the password it always asks me to choose which one.

My question, is there a way to let 1Password hide some accounts on the extension so when I insert the password for PayPal it will automatically insert the one I kept shown?


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni
    edited February 2014

    Hi, @yl_ksa.

    You can select the Never display in browser setting in Login item details to inhibit display and usage in the 1Password extension/mini, as explained/shown in this article:

    My Account > Login items are not showing up in 1Password mini

    I hope that works effectively for you.

  • yl_ksa
    Community Member

    Thanks a lot, I don't know how I missed that.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    You're welcome, @yl_ksa.

    I'd overlooked that Never display in browser setting on several of my Login items after the 1P3 to 1P4 upgrade. And without the is not shown in browser custom search criteria I'd probably still be randomly discovering them. :)

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