Which download to purchase
I have been using 1Password 3.8.21 for some time on a trial basis after downloading it from MacUpdate or Agilebits. I am now ready to purchase, but have several questions:
I have saved several passwords, and of course I do not want to lose the data. If I purchase 1Password 4 now from Apple’s App store, will I lose data or end up with 2 incompatible versions or experience issues? Would I be better off to download from original site?
Question 2: I do not want to use the cloud or dropbox. Will I be able to sync 1Password with my iMac (Maverick) to my Macbook Air (Mountain Lion) using wifi? Will I also be able to sync to my iPad or will I need to purchase a separate app for that purpose
Regarding Question 2b: Yes you can sync to your ipad from Mac, it wil be done automatically. But the licence for Mac and IOS are two different purchases.
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Hi @Saranam,
I'd be happy to answer your questions and help you get set up to purchase 1Password!
If I purchase 1Password 4 now from Apple’s App store, will I lose data or end up with 2 incompatible versions or experience issues?
Whether you purchase 1Password 4 from the Mac App Store or directly from our our website, 1Password should notice your existing datafile and ask if you would like to proceed with this file. If it doesn't do so automatically, here's our guide on Helping 1Password find existing data in Dropbox.
Would I be better off to download from original site?
There are few differences between the Mac App Store version of 1Password and the webstore version. To read about those differences, please see here.
Will I be able to sync 1Password with my iMac (Maverick) to my Macbook Air (Mountain Lion) using wifi?
Wi-Fi sync is currently for Mac to iOS syncing. Both Dropbox and iCloud are able to keep your Macs (and your iOS devices) in sync automatically. If you would prefer to keep your data out of the cloud, please check out Folder Sync for a solution that can keep you synced up on your home network.
Will I also be able to sync to my iPad or will I need to purchase a separate app for that purpose
As @robbertv69 mentions, 1Password 4 for iOS is a separate purchase, but it is a universal app and can be installed on all your iOS6+ compatible devices. It can be kept in sync with your Macs via Wi-Fi if you so choose.