switch between Vault | No Password required

Mario Altobelli
Mario Altobelli
Community Member


first: sorry for my bad english :-) I hope you will understand my question though.

I buy 1Password4 for the Office.
I use the software jointly with my colleague.

First I created a "Vault" named "Office", then a Vault called "Private".
The "Office-Vault" will be used by 2 persons, but the "Private Vault" should be viewed only by me.

When I switch between "office" and "private" , 1Password4 don't ask for the "private vault Password".
What can I do?

I hope to get an answer soon.

Kindly Regards,
Mario Altobelli


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Mario,

    Don't apologize for your English - it's so much better than I could do in any other language :)

    In 1Password 4 there is a difference between your primary vault (the first one you create) and all secondary vaults. We designed the primary vault to hold all of the encryption keys for the secondary vaults. This makes it easier for you to switch between vaults and access all of your information without having to enter a long (and maybe complex) password each time you want to switch vaults. These encryption keys are not synced though, so even if you share your primary vault, you are not sharing access to your secondary vault (unless you choose to).

    I hope this helps, but please let me know if you have any further questions!

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