Entries disappeared [Investigating]

Community Member
edited April 2014 in iOS

I opened up 1P on my iPhone just now and upon unlocking I noticed that all of the data was gone. The Favorites and Categories screens were empty but the Organize screen showed my folders and tags along with the correct number of items in them. However, when selecting one of the folders or tags it does the same as Favorites and Categories and says there is no data to display.

After force quitting the app and unlocking again all of the data reappeared.

This has only happened on my iPhone. I unlocked the app on my iPad and it displayed all of the data correctly.


  • donnywdavis
    Community Member

    Well I said that it did not happen on the iPad but I woke up this morning and it did. Opened the iPad app and no data to be found. Quit the app and then everything showed up.

    I have only performed a Wi-Fi sync once on each device. I do not have iCloud or Dropbox sync setup currently.

  • yukijim
    Community Member
    edited February 2014

    Glad I'm not the only one. Exactly as you described on both my iPad 2 (iOS 7) and iPhone 4s (iOS 7). I also only sync via wifi. The data syncs to my iOS device from my iMac (10.9), then when I open try to access the data on iOS device, it's gone. When I quit the app on my iOS device then restart it, the data re-appears. note: on my other iPad I have the non beta version installed, works fine.

  • Thanks for the reports folks, we'll dig in and see what we can figure out.

  • MikeT

    Hi guys,

    We're still investigating this issue. Did it every re-appear?

    If you see it happen again, please go to Settings > Vaults and tell me how many items it show. It might be showing a long string of digits, something like 922293........

    Please keep us informed of any changes here. We're having a tough time reproducing this.

  • donnywdavis
    Community Member


    Hi Mike. I have not noticed this happen anymore. Have been on the lookout though. Double checking the number of items synced for each vault returns the correct number of items that should be displayed.

  • MikeT

    Hi @donnywdavis,

    That's great news!

    You don't have to double check each time, I just need you to check it when this bug does happen. The long string of random number starting with 9 is likely an error code that can help us narrow this down.

  • ningwie
    Community Member
    edited April 2014

    I had this happen on the RC0 version, didn't check for the string, will do if/when it happens again.
    Edit: Also only used Wi-Fi Sync once to create the vault on the iPhone, happened less than a day after syncing.

  • MrRooni
    edited April 2014

    Thanks for the update, @ningwie‌ . I'll be sure to update the issue for it.

This discussion has been closed.