Firefox Import to Version 4

Community Member

Hi there, been thinking about trying to product for a while now. Decided to bite the bullet and start the setup process, but I can't import my saved passwords out of Firefox. I have only been able to find information for older versions of 1Password by searching. I also found another Firefox plugin that can export them as a CSV file, but I only get 1 login when I import it. not the 331 that I need.

Any help would be most appreciated.


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni
    edited February 2014

    Hi, @ferristhe2nd.

    Thanks for giving 1Password 4 a test drive. I'd be glad to help make it a smoother one for you. :)

    We have this guide that describes the field (column) order for CSV data that the 1Password 4 CSV importer supports:

    How can I import data from another application?

    Does the CSV file use CR, LF, or CF+LF newline (line break) character(s)? Give "UNIX-style" newlines a try, which you can convert to (if necessary) using the LineBreak GUI utility:

    It may also help if the CSV file uses UTF-8 character encoding:

    • Open the .csv file with TextEdit and select File > Save As… (Option-Shift-Command-S)
    • In the save dialog window:

      • If necessary, change Plain Text Encoding to Unicode (UTF-8)
      • Use a new name like import-utf8.csv as the Save As filename
    • Confirm Use .csv when saving the new file

    You can initially test with a small number of CSV records to verify the input is accepted and see what the imported items look like.

    I hope that information is useful for successfully importing your data. Please let us know how it goes and if you need any further help; we'll be here. :)

  • ferristhe2nd
    Community Member
    edited February 2014

    Ok so by useing the LineBreak tool AND by deleting the header out of the file manually I got it to import the correct number of items.

    However the fields are not working correctly.

    It's putting the password in username, the web address in password and username in website.

    Here is an example of the text I deleted:

    # Generated by Password Exporter; Export format 1.1; Encrypted: false "hostname","username","password","formSubmitURL","httpRealm","usernameField","passwordField"

  • ferristhe2nd
    Community Member

    Imported the file into Numbers and reordered it. Exported useing UTF-8 and got it to work. Thanks again for the help.

    FYI I think the problem with the first imports was that my export program used a number sign (hash tag) for the start of the header.

    # Generated by Password Exporter; Export format 1.1; Encrypted: false

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @ferristhe2nd,

    That's excellent you've successful imported your data. Did you do all 331 items? Thanks for mentioning the hashtag'd comment line might have been a troublemaker. Could be something else for the list of things to check for when there's trouble with importing.

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