Merged Dropbox stops 1Password from syncing (Dropbox for Business)

Ricky Romero
Ricky Romero
Community Member
edited March 2014 in Mac

Our team at work recently upgraded to the merged Dropbox beta. This sets Dropbox up so that you can have both your personal and business Dropboxes syncing to the same computer.

When Dropbox sets this up, it creates two folders in your home folder: ~/Dropbox (Personal)/ and ~/Dropbox ([Team Name])/.

To alleviate the headaches caused by this migration, they also symlink ~/Dropbox/ to ~/Dropbox (Personal)/. 1Password reads from it just fine, but it won't write to it.

In order to get sync working again, I needed to remove Dropbox from my sync settings and re-add it for the new location, then restart 1Password mini.


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Ricky,

    Thank you for reporting this issue with 1Password syncing failure after migration to Dropbox for Business with two Dropbox folders. I'll make sure the developers are aware of it and hopefully we can get a fix out soon. I'm glad that manual reconfiguration of syncing was a viable workaround for you. How did you actually discover there was a problem?

  • Ricky Romero
    Ricky Romero
    Community Member

    I had added a login from my work computer a couple of days previously. I later noticed that it didn't show up on my phone, nor my home machine. That's how I knew it was a problem.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the followup answer, Ricky.

    I've filed a bug report in our tracker about this problem and how you discovered it.

  • rajiv
    Community Member

    i have the same problem. however i discovered it after creating and modifying items on my personal macs and my work mac running dropbox for business. before i change the sync path on my work mac, how can i ensure that the new items on my work mac make it into the vault on dropbox? these new and modified items show up on my work mac even after i restart 1password, 1password mini, and the mac itself. but they are not in the vault on dropbox (nor in the dropbox web interface or event log), and do not show on my iphone or my other personal macs.

  • Thanks for the reports.

    I installed Dropbox for Business on my Mac and gave it a try to see if I could reproduce the above issues.

    I am syncing to the full ~/Dropbox (Personal)/ path. I am able to sync just fine between my Mac and from the iPhone to the Mac. I was able to produce a problem where the changes from Mac did not automatically sync to the iPhone. However the changes are in Dropbox and I am able to see the changes the next time sync occurs on iPhone (for example if I use Sync Now). We will have to look into why they are not being picked up automatically.

    @rajiv are you currently syncing with the symlink ~/Dropbox/ or with the full ~/Dropbox (Personal)/ path? You can check your sync settings through Preferences->Sync.

  • rajiv
    Community Member
    edited February 2014

    i believe it is still syncing (or trying to) with the symlink at ~/Dropbox/. i never changed the sync path after moving to dropbox for business. i ran the troubleshooting tool, and the diagnostic report says:

    Vault Name: default
    Sync Enabled? Yes
    Sync Type: Dropbox
    Sync Keychain Type: Agile
    Sync Keychain Path: /Users/rajiv/Dropbox/1Password.agilekeychain

    however under the dropbox section in the report:

    Path: /Users/rajiv/Dropbox (Personal)
    Is Folder A Symbolic Link? No

    and the 1password preference screen doesn't show a path at all:

  • rajiv
    Community Member
    edited March 2014

    i needed some items on my work mac, so i clicked change syncing and selected the 1Password.agilekeychain file in the Dropbox (Personal) folder (not the symlink). 1password correctly "merged" the vaults and wrote the changed and new items from my work mac into the vault on dropbox. those items are showing up on my other macs and my phone.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @rajiv,

    Thanks so much for letting us know that you got things all sorted out! I'm so happy to know that your data was correctly merged when you changed the sync settings.

    If you hit any further snags, please let us know :)

  • Paco II
    Paco II
    Community Member

    Dropbox is rolling out their latest feature in a limited early release to businesses that allows having personal and business folders on the same account. I'm sure you read about it. No surprisingly, 1P was none too happy to suddenly lose it's expected folder name. Hopefully you can bake something so that 1P is more 'intelligent' and migrate itself easier.

  • Hi Paco II,

    Thanks for the report! I've merged your post with an existing discussion. As you'll see above, you're not the only one who's had this issue upon updating to Dropbox for Business with two Dropbox folders. We're already looking into improving this in the future. :)

  • oliverzheng
    Community Member

    I got hit with this today as well. Dropbox rolled out Dropbox for Business this week. If personal and corporate accounts are linked, the iPhone app can't locate the keychain file.

    See 2014-04-11 at 5.47.13 PM.png.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @oliverzheng‌

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been having trouble here. Does changing syncing as @rajiv suggested above get things working properly for you?

  • oliverzheng
    Community Member

    Hi @Megan‌,

    No it does not. I'm only having issues on my phone. It's iOS app that doesn't recognize the path of the file.

    I realize this was posted in the 1Password for Mac forum, but it looks like new posts about Dropbox's business integration were getting merged here.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @oliverzheng‌

    I'm sorry that the tips above didn't help. I'd like to take a closer look at you system to see if we can track this down. Please note, even though this problem is occurring on your iOS device, I'm going to ask for a Diagnostic Report from your main computer. This report has more information than we are able to get from your iOS device and will give us a better idea of where things are getting tangled up.

    So, please send us a Diagnostics Report for your Mac:

    Then attach the entire file to an email to us: support+forum@ agilebits .com

    Please do not post your Diagnostics Report in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email, along with your forum handle so that we can "connect the dots" when we see your Diagnostics Report in our inbox.

    Once we see the report we should be able to better assist you. Thanks in advance!

  • jsnod
    Community Member

    Just wanted to chime in after dealing with this same problem. 1Password was syncing to my Team account, but I wanted it syncing to my Personal account. I had to manually change my ~/Dropbox symlink to point to ~/Dropbox (Personal). I then had to unlink Dropbox from all of my devices, then re-link to my personal account.

    That wasn't enough though. My Mac was storing my keychain in ~/Dropbox (Personal)/1Password.agilekeychain while my iPhone was looking for it in ~/Dropbox (Personal)/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain (notice the extra 1Password subdirectory). Changing my Mac's location to use the location that my iPhone was using fixed it. But boy oh boy was it confusing to get everything going again. I ended up with a handful of conflicts that I had to manually merge.

    Is there a standardized location for the 1Password.agilekeychain file? I'd like to move (or leave) mine to the default, whatever it is. How do we change it on the iPhone? It seems like you can select the Dropbox sync location on the Mac but not the iPhone.

  • Jasper
    edited April 2014

    Hi @jsnod,

    Sorry for the trouble. Hopefully we can improve this in the future.

    The default location is ~/Dropbox/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain, but with multiple vaults in 1Password 4 a single default location no longer really applies.

    The next update to the iOS app will bring multiple vaults, and allow you to choose a specific vault location in Dropbox.

    Please let us know if you have any other questions. We're always here to help! :)

  • jsnod
    Community Member

    @JasperP‌ Don't want to derail this thread too much, but what happened to the "Find and Resolve Sync Conflicts" tool? It would help me greatly in getting this mess sorted.

  • Hi @jsnod,

    That tool is only for 1Password 3.

    But, if you'd like to find all items with conflicts, you can use a smart folder:

  • jsnod
    Community Member
    edited April 2014

    Thanks @JasperP‌ that helps! But sigh now I have a new error on my iPhone:

    Failed to list root keychain folder in Dropbox

    App Error Code: 715

    Dropbox Error Code: -1001

    The operation couldn't be completed.

    (NSURLErrorDomain error -1001.)


    hash = cd50c...............;

    path = "/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain";


    I disabled and re-enabled but now am getting an error on Dropbox's side:

    Something went wrong. Don't worry, your files are still safe and the Dropboxers have been notified.

    Guessing this is an issue on the DP side?

  • jsnod
    Community Member

    Ack! Now all the conflicts I just spent an hour manually solving are back. What a nightmare. :(

  • phw
    Community Member

    My situation and fix is similar to the original poster.

    To get my 1Password library on my work computer, I shared my 1Password folder with my Dropbox business account. That worked just fine until I signed up for the dual business and personal feature on Dropbox and linked my personal account. I later unlinked my personal account but the name change had been done and my business folder was now 'Dropbox ([Company Name])'.

    I noticed my library was no longer syncing when logins I created at work did not appear at home and vice versa. To fix, I simply unlinked my business account and relinked to the same file, thinking that that would reset the path to the library to include the new 'Dropbox ([Company Name])' name. That was all I needed to do. 1Password merged the differences without problem and I'm back in sync now, so, an easy fix for me.

  • Hi @jsnod,

    Sorry to hear about the continued trouble!

    Like I said above, we've got a major update coming to 1Password for iOS very soon. It will include multiple vaults and improved syncing performance. This will hopefully fix your issue here.

    I would recommend waiting until the iOS update is released before we do any other troubleshooting. We hope to release the update in a couple days, so please stay tuned! :)

This discussion has been closed.