Beta 10 feedback

Community Member

I've been using the Beta 9 and Beta 10 versions for a couple of weeks on a Nexus 4 and Nexus 7. I really like them a lot, they're pretty much what I hoped for in a new version of 1Password for Android! However, I'm hoping you'll be able to put back a way to navigate logins by letter. Scrolling through a relatively large list of logins (approximately 300) is a bit cumbersome. It's smooth and fast enough, but difficult to stop in the right place.



  • Ann

    Hi @rightonbro,

    Great to hear that you're enjoying the Android beta. :) In your list of items, you should see a blue bar on the right edge as you scroll down. If you tap and hold this bar, you can drag it to navigate quicker by letters. Sometimes this bar likes to play hide and seek, so expect more improvement in future updates.

    Thank you for your feedback!

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