4.5b38 Temporary Keyboard Freeze On iPad Air

Penelope Pitstop
Penelope Pitstop
Community Member
edited March 2014 in iOS

When prompted to enter the full master password on my iPad Air, the keyboard freezes momentarily when choosing the .?123 keyboard i.e. the display doesn't keep up with my typing. The freeze is long enough to be noticeable, makes you doubt what you have typed so far and want to start over.

I can reproduce this at will by closing 1PW and launching again.

This doesn't seem to happen on an iPhone 5s


  • ethansisson
    Community Member

    This happens for me on iPhone 5c. It might not be the same issue, as it happens for me regardless of what keys I am pressing. My reproduction steps:

    1. Ensure 1Password is not running in the background (i.e. kill from multitasking switcher)
    2. Launch 1Password
    3. Immediately type in the master password field for several seconds
    4. A few seconds after launching the app, the app freezes for 1-2 seconds. During the freeze, the keyboard is stuck showing whatever was shown when it froze (e.g. it may be frozen showing a key being pressed like this: http://cl.ly/image/1M1c380e1K1Q/content). The master password field also doesn't update if you try to continue to type.
    5. When the app becomes unstuck, it rapidly shows the buttons you pressed while it was frozen, like it is catching up with whatever you typed while it was frozen.

    Sometimes (maybe always), it also freezes a second time a few seconds later. The second freeze is always a shorter duration than the first one.

    Penelope Pitstop, is the behavior I describe above consistent with what you're experiencing?

  • Penelope Pitstop
    Penelope Pitstop
    Community Member

    Yes that's a much more complete and accurate description ehansisson. I recall this happened with the beta of a previous version and was something to do with sync initialisation.

  • Nik
    1Password Alumni

    Thank you both for the report. I'm almost certain this has something to do with sync. I was about to tell you that I'd noticed this issue, myself, but not recently, and then I checked and discovered that I'd disabled sync. Disable sync and voilà, everything's as speedy as can be. I re-enabled sync, quit and restarted, and immediately observed the pause. It happened on both my 5s and iPad Air, one running 7.0.6 and the other 7.1b5.

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