What's the shortest number of taps to sync over WiFi?

Community Member
edited March 2014 in iOS

I have the short code enabled to test that for a while and was wondering how I would get a sync going after I changed a password/email and then locked my device. The way I know takes about 5+ taps on iOS and firing up the app on my Mac and entering a key press.

  • What is the shortest number of taps to initiate a WiFi sync from the quick unlock screen?
  • Is there a dirty record count exposed anywhere so I can know how outdated my Mac is as I change things on the iOS app when WiFi sync configured? (I would probably put it on the Vaults screen in Settings along with a Sync Vault tap target on that screen if it's not better suited in a more convenient spot)
  • Can the Mac app kick off a sync anymore? (all the tapping on iOS makes me think I would tire of using WiFi sync unless it will opportunistically sync if I have the WiFi sync pane open on Mac and the iOS device is on the same LAN.)
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