A small 1Password Helper idea
Gerald Van Kollenburg
Community Member
in Mac
In 1Password Helper:
When I am want to log into a Web site and use 1Password Helper, the login choices for that Web site appear on the top of the list.
This is a feature, of course.
However, I would like a copy to remain in the alphabetical listing of logins (instead of just moving to the top). Sometimes I forget that they are at the top and scan down, only to find out that the listing is gone. It is momentarily confusing and extra work to go back to the top to use the login.
Hi Gerald,
To be honest, I've never even noticed that the login items for the current site don't appear in the logins list. I always just use the one pinned at the top.
Thanks for the feedback though! I'll pass it along to the developers. :)
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