Smart Folders RegEx's [Feature Request]

Community Member

It would be awesome if there was an "advanced" mode when creating a Smart Folder that allows you to enter POSIX Extended RegEx syntax. While I realize that the current implementation is essentially a GUI version of RegEx matching, there are several things that are missing. For example, writing your own RegEx's would make it a lot easier to match certain strings in a specific order, versus using the existing GUI based match criteria.


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Sinsear,

    Thanks for the suggestion. Do you have any specific usage cases you'd have for this that I could include when filing a feature request? Something difficult or impossible to do with existing custom search criteria. Thanks again!

  • Sinsear
    Community Member

    I'm not sure if there's anything "impossible" per se with the current setup, but it would be a lot easier and faster for individuals with a computer science/engineering background to write your POSIX RegEx's rather than having to add a bunch of match criteria using the GUI.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator
    edited April 2014

    There are many use cases for this. Examples:

    • Find all cards with credit card numbers in their Notes: \d{15,16}
    • Find all cards which appear to have Social Security numbers: \d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4}
    • Find all cards with possible email addresses: [^@]+@[^@]+.;[^@.]+

    RE's provide a more convenient shortcut (than OR clauses) for single character variations (sometimes my last name is spelled with one P, sometimes two, sometimes one L sometimes two (that's 4 OR clauses instead of a single RE containing pp?....ll?....

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