X-Callback-URL Support [Under consideration]
I think that it will be interesting to add the X-Callback-URL support for returning to the origin app once we have copied the password in the clipboard so we don't need to double tap the home button. No data is sent to the app (is stored in the clipboard), but returning to the origin app is much simpler.
Thanks for the feedback @picturetakerman! We agree that this would be great and is one of the ideas that we're tossing around for a future update. Glad to have you on the beta!
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One more vote for this. I think Google Maps iOS SDK have pretty nice implementation of that feature. Check official docs https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/ios/urlscheme#specify_a_callback_url and some explanation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24550021/how-to-return-native-app-from-google-map-in-ios
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Hi @dml3j,
Thanks for replying. We still have this open in our tracker to consider in a future update. Right now, we're mostly focusing on the iOS 8 extensions (Safari and third party apps) and some apps might actually benefit more from these extensions than the x-callback protocol.
By using our app extension, the user does not have to leave the app at all. Note the extension is designed to be app-agnostic, meaning that if a user has a different password manager and that manager built support for our framework, the user sees their manager show up instead of 1Password.