Radio button on page flipped while filling username/password

Community Member

I have several accounts for AWS saved in 1Password. For a couple of them, when I use 1Password to fill in the username and password, the radio button for "I am a new user" is selected even though it wasn't when the page loaded (de-selecting the "I am a returning user..." one. If I don't correct this before submitting the page then Amazon returns an error because it thinks I'm trying to sign up for a duplicate account.

Looking in "Show web form details" for the affected logins only shows the username and password fields, which is the same as the unaffected logins. I'm not sure if I'm remembering correctly or not but didn't 1Password 3 show additional form fields from the page? I'm guessing somehow the radio button setting got saved incorrectly, but it doesn't seem to be exposed though the UI.


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni
    edited March 2014

    Hi @JamesOff,

    If you manually save a new Login for any AWS items that fill with an incorrect radio button selected the new items should work okay. I'm not sure if 1Password 3 saves radio button selection data that's viewable/editable in the All Fields section of an item. In 1Password 4 you can find it in an item's JSON, e.g.:

    … which can only be copied, not edited, in the UI using Item > Copy JSON (if enabled under Preferences > Advanced).

    I hope that helps.

  • JamesOff
    Community Member

    Thanks for the reply. I can see in the JSON it does have the wrong value saved for that so that's it. I'll recreate the login using the method you linked.

    Cheers :)

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @JamesOff,

    I hope that @sjk's steps get you all sorted out, but we're here for you if you hit any further snags! :)

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