Water damaged MacBook
Hey everyone,
So unfortunately water was spilled on my new MacBook Air and my hard drive is completely destroyed. I was wondering if there was any way I can get my 1Password app to sync my passwords on a new Mac? As far as I remember, I didn't set it up to sync with iCloud or Dropbox and when I click iCloud it tells me that it can't find 1Password information in iCloud. I'm really desperate to get my information back as I've already lost so much else. I know my master password if that helps in any way. Is there anything I can do or anyone I can talk to? Thanks
Hi Caleb,
I'm so sorry to hear about this serious loss with your MacBook Air. Do you have any kind of backup for it stored somewhere that might include your 1Password data? 1Password never stores any of your data remotely unless it's been configured to do that, but have you logged in directly on the Dropbox site to look for any Agile Keychain (.agilekeychain) with your data there?
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Hi Again,
Sorry for the late reply. No I unfortunately didn't back up my files (big mistake I know, I'm usually on top of these things) and I recently made a Dropbox account so I didn't use it at the time I used my MacBook Air. Any hope of getting it back?
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Hi Caleb,
Now I'd like to apologize for the delay in responding. We've experienced a surge in support requests recently and are doing the best we can to get back to our usual speedy replies as soon as possible.
If the only copy of your 1Password data was on the drive that you said was water-destroyed the only hope of recovery would be if it was still possible to somehow salvage it from there. Web searches for solid state drive recovery or ssd recovery will reveal loads of information, including plenty of services that exist to attempt it (which can be quite pricey, more than the cost of the entire computer).
It really makes me sad to be the barer of that unfortunate news. If there's anything else we can help you with please don't hesitate to ask.