how to change what info is displayed on 2nd line when in Item List Layout = Left

Community Member

I am new to 1Password (using trial version of 4.2.2 422001), and am finding what info is displayed on the 2nd line of text in the items sorted by panel (visible after selecting View -> Item List Layout = Left), to be illogical at times.

For example, if I create a new Social Security Numbers entry the first line visible is the default title name "Social Security Number" and the second line visible is the field called "name" in the items sorted by panel - this works for me because I can then see at a glance who the Social Security card info is for (because it is by name) and then click on it if I want to view the full info in the far right panel for that particular family member

But if I create a new Passport entry the the first line visible is the default title name "Passport" and the second line visible is the field called "number" in the items sorted by panel - which is not very helpful because if I have several Passports entered (for my family members), if I click on the Passports Category in the left hand panel, then the list that comes up in the items sorted by panel only includes numbers (and no names).

I then thought, oh maybe I am NOT supposed to use the default name given for the title field of each new item and instead enter the most important descriptor that I would want (e.g., name for both Social Security Numbers AND Passport) and just use the icon or the category to know what type of info it is (i.e., Social Security Numbers or Passport, etc.) - but that doesn't really work consistently either... for example, in the case of Social Security Numbers, if I enter a persons name into the first title field AND remove the name field (by clicking on the red minus sign), then the first line visible is the persons name and the second line contains nothing in the items sorted by panel.

So onto my QUESTION - how do I specify what info is displayed on 2nd line of entries within the the items sorted by panel? I tried to drag whatever field I wanted to be visible in the second line just below the first field (when editing), but that didn't work ((although it did change the order in the last panel). I want to customize what is visible so that I can pick out the items that I want to find more quickly.


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @somainer,

    Thanks for giving 1Password 4 a test drive, and posting this detailed report about the item list display plus a suggestion.

    What's displayed in the second row of items in the item list is solely determined by the sort order, with choices varying depending on the category, e.g. for Logins:

    It can't be manually customized, e.g. selecting a specific item field to display. I'll submit a feature request for that capability. A workaround is to include more detail in the item title, which is always displayed in the first row.

    Thanks again!

  • somainer
    Community Member

    thanks @sjk for prompt reply! I did see that sort order selection drop-down menu, but for most categories other than Logins the options are very limited (e.g., Date Created, Date Last Used, etc.) and thus not useful for facilitating ease of choosing items just by eyeball... Upon further reflection, I would modify my suggestion (for your feature request) slightly - as it would be cumbersome to manually select what field is displayed in 2nd line (below title) for each item in a vault, perhaps one could specify it globally for all items within a category type? Thanks, in advance, for even considering my request - and adding it to what I imagine is already a very large wish-list.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the followup, @somainer.

    I've created a request for the second row that's displayed for items in the item list pane to be per-category customizable. Quite a mouthful; hope I got it right. :)

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