auto-fill too many fields on pfsense forum login

Community Member

This might be site-specific, but I haven't found a way to fix it yet. On the pfsense forum login page (, 1Password fills my username into both the 'username' and 'minutes to stay logged in' fields. The minutes input element is called 'cookielength'. I tried adding a field to 1P to make it fill that with a real value like 60, but the auto-fill just clobbers the default value and throws my username into there anyways. The invalid cookielength value then causes the site to reject the login.

I'm sure there is some obvious way to handle this that I'm missing.


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @rhornsby,

    Thanks for reporting this problem. Probably the easiest way to fix it would be to first manually saving a new Login item on the page. After doing that, you should have a new Login item with details like this:

    Notice how the username field in the main section is associated with the cookielength field web form details. You can change that by editing the item and selecting the head silhouette for the user field in web form details so it ends up looking like this after it's saved:

    That way if you ever change the main username field it'll also correctly update the web form user field.

    I hope that helps you get a properly working Login item for that page. If you're still having trouble please let us know, and also mention which versions of 1Password and the extension (for which browser) you're using. Thanks!

  • rhornsby
    Community Member

    sorry, for the record it is Safari 7.0.3 on OSX with 1P 4.2.2. Having been in the IT field for so long you'd think I would remember to include that.

    Good call rebuilding the login item. That did the trick. I had tried to mess around with the existing item in the same general way, but that never did it. Thanks for the help.

  • On behalf of @sjk, you're welcome. Please let us know if you have any other questions! :)

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