1P Mini should not open new tabs in non-private windows when it is disabled in the private windows

Community Member
edited May 2014 in Mac

I think it's poor form for 1Password to submit a login to a non-incognito window if an incognito window is active and you haven't yet enabled the browser plugin for non-incognito windows, particularly since I have active the setting to "Open URLs in Current Tab."

I had reset my browser extension per 1Password advice and saw this bad behavior.


1Password 4.1.2
1P extension


  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @seeemef,

    Can you explain a bit more about this questionable 1Password interaction with Chrome incognito/non-incognito windows/tabs?

    I think it's poor form for 1Password to submit a login to a non-incognito window if an incognito window is active and you haven't yet enabled the browser plugin for non-incognito windows, …

    When the 1Password (or any) extension is disabled for non-incognito windows it's also disabled for incognito windows. And, as far as I know, it's impossible to enable any extension for exclusive use in incognito windows.

    If a Login item is selected for Go & Fill when an incognito window is active and Allow in incognito is disabled for the enabled 1Password extension, the page for that item will open and fill in an available non-incognito window/tab because the extension is unavailable for use with the incognito window.

    When an incognito window is active and Allow in incognito is enabled then Go & Fill will make use of that window

    And with the extension disabled, Go & Fill will open the page in a tab of whatever type of window is active but is unable to fill it.

    That's how 1Password is expected to behave in those situations.

  • seeemef
    Community Member

    My mistake: it should read "it's poor form for 1Password to submit a login to a non-incognito window if an incognito window is active and you haven't yet enabled the browser plugin for incognito windows, particularly since I have active the setting to 'Open URLs in Current Tab.'"

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Thanks for the clarification, @seeemef.

    What would you prefer 1Password did in this case since it won't be able to use an incognito window, active or not, when Allow in incognito is disabled for the extension?

  • seeemef
    Community Member

    My setting is "Open URLs in Current Tab," so I would like that 1Password refuse to do anything if I'm in an incognito window but haven't yet enabled 1Pawssword. Anything else is a gross security violation of the setting to "Open URLs in Current Tab."

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    That makes sense, @seeemef. :)

    I'll file a request for 1Password not to use a regular window/tab when an incognito window is active with the extension's Allow in incognito option disabled and 1Password mini's Open URLs… setting is … in Current Tab or … in New Tab. Do you think it's okay to open and use a regular window/tab with the Open URLs in New Window setting or should that be blocked, too, when an incognito window is active?

  • seeemef
    Community Member

    Hi, oversoul. I think it should also be forbidden to open a new non-incognito window if an incognito window is foremost when the 1Password extension is activated (and "Allow in incognito" is disabled).

    Thank you.

  • MikeT
    edited May 2014

    Hi @seemef,

    We'll see what we can do. There might be limitations that we can't work around and in that case, we probably will notify the user that 1Password can't open the site because the current settings for the private browsing.

    Thanks again for your help on this matter!


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