Unlock+fade up animation from Lonely Sandwich video [It will be improved in many updates to come]

Community Member
edited April 2014 in iOS

So now that we are getting betas with just fixes and improvements, I was wondering if the unlock animation shown towards the end at around 1:38 would be added to the app. The content appears and comes forward on unlock in the video.


  • MikeT

    Hi @failgunner,

    I believe we're still on path to get that included but it is likely it is not going to be in the 4.5 update, instead it may be in one of the follow-up updates.

    We still have a lot of interface work still left to do but it won't be all included in the huge 4.5 update, we're going to release multiple updates to keep iterating through the interface.

  • failgunner
    Community Member

    @MikeT‌ so I assume the RC0 is now feature complete and the updates to the beta until final candidate will be interface ones?

    by the way the sync icon spinner only animates on first sync. When I tap sync now after, it does not animate.

  • MikeT

    Hi @failgunner,

    The RC0 build is the final candidate, we're going to submit this one to the App Store unless there are critical showstoppers found such as mostly broken sync, anything that breaks 1Password drastically, like a crasher, data missing, and so on. It looks like we might release another RC soon because we found a crasher that we're looking into right now.

    The interface polishing will continue on in the next build, such 4.5.1 and so on. The missing spinner is a known issue, we'll add a progress indictor as soon as possible.

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