Password Generator Problem

Community Member

I made the mistake of trying to use the Password Generator feature today. I generated the new password, and 1Password filled it in. I hit submit but it did not prompt me to save the new password. I went to the Password panel in 1Password and saw that the password was there. I then hit "convert to login" and it disappeared but it did not change the login. Now I can't get into the site because the password is new, but 1Password has the old login and I can't find the new password anywhere. Is there any way to recover this?


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    Do you have a Passwords category in the left panel in 1P4? If so, check whether the password is there.


  • stratford9
    Community Member

    Same issue as csmm92. I checked the Passwords category in the left panel and it didn't show the modification; at least the "last modified" date was not today. I ended up going through the lost password procedure on the site and then came up with a new password within the 1P mini, saved it, copied it and plugged it into the site as my new password. The Password Generator procedure suggested in the 1P email about Heartbleed would be great, but for that last step. At least for me, it didn't offer to save it.

  • jlshanks
    Community Member

    I am having the same problem. The step in the instructions for changing a password, "Now, 1Password will prompt to ask you if yo want to update your password.", is not happening.

    Thanks, John Shanks

  • jlshanks
    Community Member

    OK, tried it again on another website, AND IT WORKED! So I will continue on.

    Thanks, John Shanks

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @stratford9‌ and @jlshanks‌

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been having trouble updating your Logins here! I know it's frustrating when 1Password doesn't ask you to update your existing Login. Our developers are working on making this feature better. However, there's a handy feature that is built into the password generator that can make your life easier here: When you select 'Fill' in the generator, by default this new password will be copied onto your clipboard as well. For situations where 1Password doesn't ask you to update your Login, you can open the entry in 1Password and update the password manually. :)

    I hope this helps, but we're here if you have any further questions!

  • Geno71
    Community Member
    edited April 2014

    I've actually had situations where if I've got multiple logins for a series of domains owned by the same company, and the Logins have a similar Label, it asks me if I want to save it to the wrong login. I never noticed this at first but you have to go in and select the right one, which is a little crazy. I could understand if the URLs were identical but either way if 1P recoginizes which password is being updated, it should automatically know which Login, unless someone is using two of the same passwords, which I've never done to my knowledge. Certainly never intentionally.

    I've found between the latter updates of the prior version and the 4.x versions, the generator functionality (which can be accessed in like 3 places) is by far the most unpredictable in terms of whether the generated password will be remembered in the "Passwords" sidebar item (which they ALWAYS should, by default...), and sometimes whether they save to the login itself when you ask it to. I've seen it where it works too so I'm wondering if there's some kind of keychain corruption or something. I forget which all files store the data but lately I've noticed 3 things:

    1) The speed at which the individual login placards appear (when selecting them from the Safari button) has slowed greatly
    2) The edit feature on a placard does not always take you to the correct login (this is something I've seen in older versions but was fixed for a time)
    3) The note above about the generator functionality not being predictable in terms of making sure that generated password which is selected by the user, is always remembered no matter what (at the very least, at the "Passwords" sidebar level).

    See Also relating to 3:
    Sorry if regression is the wrong word but from my testing experience elsewhere I believe that's what's meant by a bug that is fixed, and then because something else changes, it re-appears later... this is what it seems to have happened, from my 4.x beta testing.)

  • Tamjam
    Community Member

    I'll just put my confirmation of this issue into the discussion. I've been changing passwords on many sites over the last few months - quite aside from the Heartbleed issue - and this kind of thing has been a problem often. I got used to 1P updating passwords - and I didn't even bother to check whether it was in the mini vsn or the app - so I can't be definitive - but I'd love this to be solved. It was something I'd expect your apps to do as a matter of course.
    Good luck.

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Geno71,

    Thanks for reporting these issues.

    … I never noticed this at first but you have to go in and select the right one, which is a little crazy. I could understand if the URLs were identical but either way if 1P recoginizes which password is being updated, it should automatically know which Login, unless someone is using two of the same passwords, which I've never done to my knowledge. Certainly never intentionally.

    I've opened a request for Update Existing Login… to be selected by default in the autosave window when existing items are detected. And also, if possible, to autoselect the specific item most likely to be updated.

    Current options available in the autosave window can be found in this guide:

    Autosave/Update tips

    …, the generator functionality (which can be accessed in like 3 places) is by far the most unpredictable in terms of whether the generated password will be remembered in the "Passwords" sidebar item (which they ALWAYS should, by default...), and sometimes whether they save to the login itself when you ask it to. …

    Whenever Copy or Fill buttons in the 1Password mini Password Generator are used, a new Password item is created with the generated password. That item will then be automatically removed after autosave has successfully updated a Login item with the password. In cases where autosave fails toe update the Login item, the password can be manually updated as described in this guide:

    Updating your site's password manually

    The corresponding Password item can them be manually deleted, which running Help > Tools > Remove Redundant Generated Passwords in the main 1Password 4 application can help with.

    When a Login item password is changed (including using the Password Generator in the main application), the previous password will be saved and viewable under that item's previously used passwords.

    If that's not the behavior you're consistently getting then we'd like to help you determine what's causing any problem and fix it. Looks like we've started doing that in this other topic you started:

    Regression Bug: Mini Generated Passwords not Being Saved in App

    1) The speed at which the individual login placards appear (when selecting them from the Safari button) has slowed greatly

    When was it faster?

    2) The edit feature on a placard does not always take you to the correct login (this is something I've seen in older versions but was fixed for a time)

    This should be working reliably in the upcoming 4.3 update.

    3) The note above about the generator functionality not being predictable in terms of making sure that generated password which is selected by the user, is always remembered no matter what (at the very least, at the "Passwords" sidebar level).

    I'm not sure I understand what you mean if it's differing from my earlier description. If you select a generated password and manually copy it (e.g. using Command-C) then a new Password item will not be created.

    See Also relating to 3: …

    We're already covering that other topic over there. :)

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    HI @Tamjam,

    Which specific issue(s) are you having and is any of the information about Password Generator usage, etc. in my reply to @Geno71 relevant or helpful? Also, which versions of 1Password and browser extension (for which browser(s)) are you using?

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