4.5 RC0, two bugs: 1: Merging data via iCloud crashed the app, 2: Rotating device shows a black UI

Rabih All Apple Pro
Rabih All Apple Pro
Community Member
edited April 2014 in iOS

I was using the latest 1passwoed beta
4.5RC0 (405062) and here is what I saw

  1. when going to sync and want to swntc with iCloud . Well when pressing the merge button 1password Crashes sometimes
  2. while rotating device and getunf it back to Portiat mode you see big black UI in 1browser


  • MikeT

    Hi @Rabih All Apple Pro‌,

    Thanks for reporting these bugs:

    1. When you reopen the app after the crash, did it ask you to submit the crash report? We'd like to see those crash reports.
    2. Which device are you using? Can you tell me where you were when you were rotating, you were in 1Browser and started rotating it?
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