4.2.2: Copy command not working
I cannot get 1password for Mac to copy a password to the clipboard. Given the need to reset so many passwords due to Heartbleed, this is inconvenient to say the least. Based on advice in some older posts, I tried copying to textedit, but no joy. Copy/paste to/from other apps is working fine.
Are you using some particular clipboard app like CopyPaste Pro, for example? That might interfere with copying from 1P4. See this thread.
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Negative, I am running OSX 10.9.2, 1Password 4.2.2 - no clipboard managers/helpers.
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Hi @mswinberry,
Are you by chance trying to copy a previously used password?
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@JasperP Yes - I am trying to copy previously used passwords: I am stuck in a situation where I was resetting passwords, and generated a new password, but the form on the site makes me enter the 'current' password, but I can't copy the previous/current password, so my old password is still in use on the site, and I can't log in.
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@JasperP: when is the 4.3 release slated? This is a really urgent issue, worthy of a hotfix/patch.
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Version 4.3 should be coming very soon, @mswinberry.