Two licenses, two macs, two syncs?
I have an iMac at both work and home. I have two licenses for 1 Password, and would like to install one on my home iMac, and one on my work iMac. I'd like my home iMac to have my "home" passwords as primary, and "share" the work passwords. I'd like the Work iMac to have the work passwords as primary, and "home" passwords accessible. I'd like to sync my home passwords via iCloud and work via Dropbox.
is this possible?
Hi @txtrout
Thanks so much for taking the time to write in to us about 1Password! I'd be happy to help you out here.
Unfortunately, there are certain differences in the way that primary and secondary vaults are currently set up that are going to cause you some trouble here. First of all, iCloud sync is only available for primary vaults, which works fine for your home Mac, but we will not be able to add it to your work Mac as a secondary vault. In general, there are complications when trying to set up a secondary vault as another computer's primary.
Our developers have heard from many users such as yourself who would like this kind of flexibility in vaults and they are working on making this possible. However, at this point, you will need to select either the home or work as primary.
I'm sorry I don't have a better answer for you here - please do let me know if you have any further questions!