Why Passwords, Encryption will soon be useless, technically already are
The first problem with passwords and encryption is that the biggest computers always win.... this leaves society in a pool of unfairness
The second problem is that nobody sees how nano grids, processing upgrades will make easy work of anything assembled...
I recently noticed how any number can be converted into ax + c and it doesn't matter if the number is prime.... Any number can be factored
and the larger the nanogrid built the easier it is to search for prime numbers.....technically the algorithm becomes more effective as the numbers
become larger which presents a paradox in factoring.... I don't see much upside for the current passwords, encryption..... I am especially worried about what alternatives will be presented for the password....people can't remember anything big enough to slow a computer, a computer can't keep a secret
You are correct humans can't reliably use and remember things with, say, 128 bits of strength. But with tools like PBKDF2 combined with password schemes like Diceware, we can create passwords that remain very resistant to cracking. Take a look at http://blog.agilebits.com/2013/04/16/1password-hashcat-strong-master-passwords/ to see how this works out in practice.