2 1password mini symbols in the menu bar

Community Member

After testing 1password as a demo I purchased 1 password4 in the app store. Since then I have two key symbols in the menu bar for the mini application : one for 1password ( which I have deleted already) and one for 1password4. Closing one of them closes the hole program. What to do?


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    You have partially deleted the Mac app store version and kept the demo version. I think what you need to do is effectively move from the demo version to the Mac app store version, so follow carefully this knowledge base article. Although it refers to moving on from a beta version for present purposes the beta version can be treated as the demo version you installed. Read particularly the section marked I deleted the beta and installed the release version, now I’m seeing issues. Once you've gone through all of that re-install the Mac App Store version.

    I hope this helps but if you run into further problems please post back and someone will provide more assistance.


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