Logins mysteriously deleting themselves and moving into the trash

Community Member
edited April 2014 in Mac

The first time it happened I thought, "Oh, must have fat fingered the delete key by accident", but after the fourth instance I'm starting to wonder. Glad they are in the trash at least so I can restore them, but starting to wonder why this would be happening. Obviously, it shouldn't be. I use Windows, Mac and iOS, synced via Dropbox. I recently joined the Windows Beta, however, this happened twice before that. Troubleshooting steps?


  • Rad
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @gburleigh‌,

    The scenario you're describing could have been caused by deleting an item in 1Password for iOS.

    If you delete and item on iOS and sync the changes over to the Mac, the deleted item will appear in the Trash.

    Do you think that this is what happened?


  • gburleigh
    Community Member

    Hi @Rad‌. No, I did not delete these items in iOS.

  • Rad
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @gburleigh‌,

    Thank you for replying so quickly :-)

    Please restore the trashed items and make sure that you update 1Password to the latest version on all your devices. We released this morning 4.3 for Mac and 4.5 for iOS.

    Please let us know if the problem persists in the new versions.

    Best regards,

  • gburleigh
    Community Member

    @Rad‌ I will update, but was this even an issue that was addressed in the new versions? If not, I don't see how it would apply and I think we've still got something to work out here. Too often developers will propose updating to the new version as a solution when in fact, the new version has nothing to do with the issue. Just want to make sure we are being realistic here. Thanks!

  • gburleigh
    Community Member

    I'd like to hear if anyone else has experienced this?

  • Rad
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2014

    Hi @gburleigh‌,

    The issue you first reported hasn't been reported yet. However, it looks like some syncing side-effects. That's why I asked in my first reply if the items have been deleted on iOS before being moved to the Trash on Mac.

    Assuming that the problem was somehow caused by sync and since sync has considerably been improved in 4.3 for Mac and 4.5 for iOS, I suspect that we might have had a bug in 4.2 for Mac which was fixed in version 4.3.

    Please let me know if the issue still occurs in version 4.3

    Thank you,

  • v8media
    Community Member
    edited April 2014

    Just came here to look for this same issue. I have seen this happen similarly, maybe four times so far. I also thought it must have been caused by me, though I never figured out in what scenario I might have done it. I do tech support and store TONS of passwords in 1Password. I currently have over 700 logins that I want to be storing. When this happens for me, it isn't one item. It tends to be around 100 or so. Since I didn't ever want to lose any login info, I haven't ever emptied the trash, so I also now have around 700 items in the trash. All I can really think to do is to restore most of them and then manually figure it out as I use them over the course of months and then actually empty the trash as I find ones I legitimately want to get rid of.

    Background for my usage is a Mac, iPad, and iPhone all syncing. Currently using iCloud, but was using Dropbox. It happened on both.

  • Rad
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @v8media‌,

    Thank you for reporting it to us too. I just created an issue report so we can further investigate the bug. Please let us know whether you find out how to reproduce it. This would really help us a lot.

    BTW, are all these items that have mysteriously been moved to the Trash generated passwords or are they items from all categories? If they are only generated passwords, it is the desired effect when using the autosave window to create or update logins:

    As soon as you copy of fill a password field using the Password Generator in 1Password mini a new Password item will be created. And as soon as this generated password is used to update or create a new login it will be moved to the Trash.


  • gburleigh
    Community Member

    There does not seem to be any particular cause. Is there a log file we can send you?

  • Rad
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @gburleigh‌,

    You can send us a Diagnostics Report, along with a link to this topic and your forum username, to support+forum@agilebits.com. A quick comment here mentioning that you've sent the reports would also be helpful. Once we've analyzed those we'll work with you directly in email to find a solution.

    Thank you

  • v8media
    Community Member

    Those generated passwords don't always go away, but I'm fine with that. These are random sites, for example, last night I went to login to twitter on an iOS device and could not find twitter in 1Password via a search. I go to my computer, and there it is in the trash. I haven't changed anything about my twitter login in a while, so it's probably not a physical click. It's probably caught up in something else that is happening. I generally use the iOS versions to login, and the Mac version to edit and input password.

    At this point, I've restored most everything from the trash, so I might not be too much help tracking down what's going on. However, my trash is now clear, so I'll update this if I see it happen again.

  • Rad
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @v8media‌,

    Thank you for sending us all the details. I think that now, with your Trash being empty, you have the perfect environment to track this bug down.

    Please let us know if it re-occurs and in which circumstances. This way we'll track it down and squash it ;-)

    Have an amazing weekend!



  • gburleigh
    Community Member

    Just had another login show up in the trash today. Diagnostics report sent.

  • Rad
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @gburleigh‌,

    I did not receive your diagnostic report. Can you please send it once again to support+forum@agilebits.com?

    Please make sure that you include the link to this topic and your forum username. This way I will be able to properly search it.

    I look forward to receiving your diagnostic report.

    Thank you!


  • gburleigh
    Community Member

    See attached.

  • Rad
    1Password Alumni
    edited April 2014

    Hi @gburleigh‌,

    Thank you for the quick response. I found it :-)

    We will follow up from now on by replying to your email.




  • I am experiencing the same problem – having two computers synced via dropbox. See attached screenshots
    I think it has to do with some incorrect Dropbox Syncing...?

  • I could solve the problem:
    I followed these instructions.
    After that I synced again with dropbox and after that all items were in their correct place again.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Andreas,

    I'm so glad to hear that you were able to get things working again! In the future, we might not have to do anything so extreme as starting over completely. A simple sync reset should give things the kickstart they need. :)

    I hope things work smoothly for you from now on, but if you hit any snags, we're here to help!

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