One Website - several different logins/passwords ?

Community Member

For one single website, say, can I create as many logins (username/password combinations) as I want?

So if I did open in Safari, I could choose from a list of all my Gmail accounts?

This feature would be absolutely essential for me, as I have more than 10 Gmail accounts and several Facebook accounts as well.

That's basically the only reason Safari's password manager isn't good enough for me and I'm looking for alternatives.


  • Kepi
    Community Member
    edited April 2014

    You certainly can! For example, here's what shows up in 1Password Mini when I hit ⌘\ in Safari while on the Gmail login page:


    It's my address as well as a bunch of Google Apps domain accounts I have set up. Works great!

    The way you set it up is you track each of the logins as separate entries in your vault and just have in the website section of each one. It'll automatically show a list of all entries that match the site you're on.

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