1Password not saving preferences, not syncing
I had a hardware failure which caused me to have to rebuild one of my machines which had 1Password installed. I put in a new HDD, installed Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks, and let it recover my user data from Time Machine. I did not let it recover apps or computer/network settings. I only let it recover my user and home dir.
When I reinstalled 1Password, it immediately recognized all the existing data--prefs, extensions, etc. I was not taken through the new user "interview." Then I noticed that some of the data I had modified on another machine while this one was down had not synced in. I took a look at the sync prefs to see that dropbox was not setup. Then it hit me--I hadn't yet reinstalled Dropbox. Crap.
So, I reinstalled dropbox, but when I tried to point 1Password to it, it was acting like it was going to overwrite what was already in Dropbox. Perhaps I misunderstood what the screens were saying, but I felt uncomfortable with it. I wanted to find a way to clean out EVERYTHING related to 1Password and start as if from scratch on a new machine. Googling around, I found this comment: http://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/comment/86340/#Comment_86340
I followed the instructions in that comment and everything came up roses. When I opened 1Password I saw all the new data, I made a change on another machine and saw it sync in to this one. I quit the app and moved on with my day. Later I opened the app on this machine again and it took me through the new user interview again. Odd, I thought, but I answered the questions and moved on. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, and that didn't happen again. Later yet, after several hours and some work from another machine, I logged back onto this one and found that a new password I had just created on the other machine was not in this one. I looked at the sync stuff again and it was right back in the same state as when I first reinstalled 1Password, except for slightly newer data for having gotten a sync completed.
Once more I followed the instructions in the comment I linked and it worked initially--went through the interview, set my preferences, pulled down the vault from Dropbox, etc. The next time I opened the app, however, I was taken through the new user interview again. It keeps prompting me to install extensions as well. I don't know what to do--I am at a total loss.
How do I remove EVERYTHING 1Password related on this machine, and start over fresh, get it connected and syncing to Dropbox, and remember my prefs and such from there on?
Do I have to purchase 1Password4 separately for my iPad and iPhone?? I already have 1Password Pro on them, but can't seem to sync them with the 1Password4 on my MacBook Air.....
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Thanks, Stephen. I've read through the procedure you linked, and I followed it. Unfortunately, it is practically identical to the procedure I linked in my original post, and it resulted in the same situation.
Everything connects up on install/initial-config. Then I quit the app and re-open it and it acts as if I;ve never used it on the machine before.
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Sorry, you need help from AgileBits! They're much more expert than me. Someone will be along soon I'm sure. I'm so sorry what I suggested didn't help.
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Got ya, thanks again!
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I will note that in going through the steps to start over, I do not find anything applicable in ~/Library/Preferences. (And I'm sing the App Store version, so there is no ~/Library/Application Support data as well.)
Obviously the lack of preference file is the issue here. I have no idea why it's not writing. I'm repairing disk permissions right now and will report back afterward.
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Repairing permissions made no difference. I am at a loss.
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I'm having the same problem. Everytime I launch 1Password, I get the interview intro and some of the options like show rich icons are unselected. I think it is not writing a preference file to ~/Library/Preferences/com.agilebits...
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Yup, that's what I'm seeing--prefs file never writes.
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Hi @JAAulde and @ascarter,
I would like to apologize for the delay in responding to you here but we experienced a surge in support requests recently. We're doing the best we can to get back to our usual speedy replies as soon as possible.
Repairing permissions in Disk Utility should work here, provided that you reinstall 1Password after the permissions have been repaired.
@JAAulde - did you reinstall 1Password after repairing permissions?
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Hi @Megan, thanks for the reply.
I wasn't sure what order I had tried things last week, so just now I went back through the instructions for starting over. Instead of relaunching 1Password after removing the old data, though, I uninstalled 1Password instead. I then re-ran the permissions corrections and restarted my Mac. Having done this, I reinstalled from the App store and set everything up again. It seems like this corrected all my issues and I am up and running again. I even restarted again to make sure everything held.
I think all is well.
Thanks again,
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I'm seeing this, too. I've uninstalled, repaired permissions (and did a repair disk just to be on the safe side), and re-installed. I'm now being presented with the intro and nothing syncing. I've done this twice, so I'm at a loss. Any suggestions? This is the MAS version, syncing with iCloud (when I manually set it every time I open).
Edit: I've also tried the nuclear option (uninstalling and finding/removing all agilebits/1password stuff from the ~Library folder, repairing permissions, re-installing, restore from backup).
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Hi @applejosh
I'm so sorry to hear that repairing permissions is not helping here. We'll need to take a closer look at your system to get this sorted out. Could you please send us a Diagnostics Report?
Then attach the entire file to an email to us: support+forum@ agilebits .com
Please do not post your Diagnostics Report in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email, along with your forum handle so that we can "connect the dots" when we see your Diagnostics Report in our inbox.
A short note here once you've sent the Report in will help us to keep an eye out for it. :)
Once we see the report we should be able to better assist you. Thanks in advance!
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It's started working now. I didn't do anything other than what I did previously, but apparently something got jostled into working. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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I'm glad to hear it's working now! :)
Please let us know if you have any other questions. We're always here to help!