using Rewards section

Community Member

Previously on Keeper. Can enter frequent flyer info, e.g. delta as a new problem. But I tried initially to put it in the Rewards section. I opened Rewards, titled it Frequent Flyers and hit edit. Cannot figure out where to go from there. Not intuitive at least to me. I know this sounds dumb.. thanks for anyone's help.


  • hawkmoth
    Community Member
    edited April 2014

    Are you trying to make a new category called Frequent Flyers? 1Password does not allow the creation of new categories, if that's what you're attempting. I'm not sure that is what you are trying to do, though, so pardon if I have it wrong.

    I keep my frequent flyer information in the Rewards section, along with other loyalty programs like those from hotels. A separate record for each in Logins is needed to automatically log in to my accounts.

    Creation of new categories by users is an often-requested feature addition, which AgileBit has under consideration. But there are no promises that such a feature will be added.

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