Generate a random password in iOS version?

Community Member

I must be blind, but I cannot find anywhere in the built-in secure browser to generate a new random password when filling in a registration form, they way you can on Mac OS X. For example, I go to and click Login and Create an Account. When I tap in the Create a password field, the keyboard pops up; if I close it (Done), none of the icons at the bottom offer a menu item I can find to Generate Password...?


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @rich1383,

    Unfortunately there is no button in 1Browser right now to generate a password. Here's how to change your password while using 1Password 4 for iOS:

    • Open 1Password 4 for iOS, and unlock it.
    • Go to the login item you want to update.
    • Tap on the website address to launch the 1Browser, which should log you into the site.
    • Navigate to the site’s Change Password form, and enter your current password. Copy it from the vault view of the item, if needed, by sliding the 1Browser aside for a moment.
    • Once the current password is entered into the form, slide the 1Browser aside, and place the login into Edit mode.
    • Either type in a new password, or use the Strong Password Generator to generate a new one.
    • Save the login.
    • Copy the password field, and slide the 1Browser back into view.
    • Paste the new password into the new and confirmation fields, then save the changes to the form.

    I hope this helps, but we're here if you have any further questions :)

  • royofsf
    Community Member

    Megan - Do you envision a more streamlined process over time?

  • royofsf
    Community Member

    Megan - I tried to follow this procedure. When I placed my Login into Edit mode, I pressed on the key (which I assume is the Strong Password generator) but no new password is created. Instead the "Length" slider and "Show Password Recipe" window open. If I press the key again, they close. I assumed that when I pressed a key that a new strong password would be created and replace the old one to the left on the same line in Login.
    What am I missing?

  • @royofsf: We absolutely envision a more streamlined process over time. To answer your second question, tapping on the key just opens our Strong Password Generator, but it does not automatically change the password. To do that you should grab the length slider and adjust the length of the password to change it. The reason we don't automatically change the password when tapping the key is that we don't want to wipe out someone's password if that wasn't their intent. I hope this helps, but please let me know if there's anything else I can help you with.

  • royofsf
    Community Member

    MrRooni - Thanks much. By the way, how would anyone know that grabbing the slider would create the password? Is that explained anywhere?

    I did eventually find that if I toggled the last entry (Copy to clipboard) off and on, a new password was created each time it went off and again when it toggled on. I knew that couldn't be the only way that this should be done since it was an accident of discovery on my part and surely you want users to be directed to the correct password trigger.

  • Hi @royofsf,

    Thanks for the feedback! Sorry that it wasn't very clear, we do hope to improve in the future. :)

  • mrw
    Community Member


    Where has the Strong Password Generator gone ?

    You state that tapping on the key (in 1Browser) will bring up the generator. Not on my 1Password for iOS.

    It used to, I'm sure, but it doesn't in the current version. Could you please clarify ?

    I really would like to get that password generator back. Have I gone blind, suddenly, or have you moved it elsewhere in the latest release ?

  • Hello @mrw, and thanks for taking the time to write in. The strong password generator I was referring to above is in the item editor, not 1Browser. I apologize for not being more clear.

    We are aware of the missing strong password generator in 1Browser and plan on bringing it back in a future update.

  • mrw
    Community Member

    Hello @MrRooni‌

    Thanks for the clarification. I have now found it in the edit screen.

    I look forward to getting it (back ?) in the Browser.

  • prime
    Community Member

    Thank you @MrRooni I really miss it a lot. Other than that, it's a great update.

  • Zebedee1
    Community Member

    Hello,i have used 1Password for Mac four over 4 years no problems,however yesterday i bought the iPhone and iPad version and i find it disappointing to say the least! Whats the point of having apps icons if you have to first unlock password and then manually type the site THEN submit the password via 1password? Plus i cannot figure out why on the mobile Safari browser,why you couldn't have just put the 1Password icon on the toolbar like on the Mac version,i will persevere for a bit but am so disheartened i might ask for a refund!

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Zebedee1, I don't think you're accounting for how different Safari on OS X and iOS are. iOS Safari doesn't have plug-ins or extensions. Their solution to these limitations was the browser built into 1Password for iOS (right most button, after Settings). If I touch a website URL in a login entry it takes me to the site, and if I'm not automatically logged in I can use the key button at the bottom much like 1Password extension on my desktop.

  • Hello @Zebedee1‌,

    I am sorry to say that due to the sandboxing of apps on iOS, Apple does not provide developers with a way to directly interface with other apps. Unless the app has included support for 1Password explicitly, we cannot do anything (like filling) in another app. These sandboxing restrictions also prohibit 1Password from providing browser extensions for mobile browsers. This is why we have 1Browser available within the 1Password app: to allow you to take advantage of 1Password's stored information and filling capabilities.

    Currently to log into other apps such as the Facebook native app, you need to copy and paste from the 1Password app. 1Password makes this easy as you can simply tap on the username or password to copy it. 1Password will then clear out the clipboard within a given time period to ensure that your important information does not stay in the clipboard after you no longer have a need for it. You can check out Apps that love 1Password to see which apps have added 1Password integration into their interface.

  • Andromache
    Community Member

    Just wanted to say thanks for this thread and the help. I had this question as well and managed to change my password on my phone. I kept hunting for a password generator within the app as well. The current system is rather clunky, but I understand there's not really anything that can be done about it for now. The service is still quite good and really like the easy synchronization.

  • Hi @Andromache,

    Thanks for your feedback! I'm glad you found this thread helpful. :)

  • major
    Community Member

    I really can't understand why the password generator was removed from 1Broswer in version 4. I hope you bring it back soon.

  • major
    Community Member

    It would be also fantastic if 1Browser could save the new created Password and username without all the copy and paste procedure suggested above.

  • Jasper
    edited August 2014

    Thanks for the feedback, @major! I will pass your comments along to our developers. :)

  • wkleem
    Community Member
    edited August 2014

    I feel that 1Password 4.5 is a minor downgrade from 1P4. 1P4 had a random password generator inside 1Browser. It also had concurrent syncing and I liked the ability of 1P4.0 to extend login items to the bottom of the device. It was especially nice on the iPad's 10" screen. 1P4.5 lost this ability.

    I also dislike the onscreen keyboard blocking the 1P bar inside of 1Browser. Perhaps I'm missing something?

  • Thanks for the feedback! I will also pass your comments along to our developers. :)

  • raamana
    Community Member

    Unless there is a STRONG reason to remove the pw generator from 1Browser (and not bring it back for over 5 months now) I am quite disappointed due to this glaring omission. Forgive me for being mean and straight, the one thing that 1P4 should do is to generate, save and fill passwords wherever you please, OSX or iOS (not across apps, but within itself at least). Without that "essential" component, not only is the price not justified, it is a disappointment also.

    I love the app on OSX and iOS but when I can't generate a password seamlessly for a "new" account I have to create, I feel let down.

  • MikeT
    edited September 2014

    Hi @raamna,

    We do understand and this is high on our list to bring back as soon as humanly possible. We removed it from 1Browser because there was a problem with it and then the announcement of iOS 8 came in. We got busy with the whole iOS 8 development because there were issues that 1Password have with iOS 8 that must be fixed before the general release for it.

    We also wanted to bring 1Password extension support to Mobile Safari and third party apps. The latter actually allows users to create a new Login for it right inside the third party app. One of the features of the app extension (not Safari) is that it allows users generate a new password and save the Login for the app within the 1Password extension and passes it back to the third party apps.

    I don't have a timeframe but we do know that it is important to be able to generate a new password in 1Browser and who knows, we might be able to bring it to Mobile Safari as well.

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