Feature Request: Compromised / retired passwords

Community Member
edited April 2014 in Mac

I would like to be able to mark passwords as compromised / retired.

For example following the Heartbleed issue, many of us have passwords that could have been compromised. Some of these passwords may have been reused in other accounts, but we don't know which.

Use cases:

  1. Given accounts A,B with bad password P, I should be able to mark account A's password as compromised/retired. In the "SECURITY AUDIT" section I would then like all other accounts that used compromised/retired password P to be listed in a section Compromised/Retired.

  2. I would like to be able to directly enter a password P as compromised or retired, such that accounts that use P will show in the "SECURITY AUDIT" Compromised/Retired section.




  • Meek

    Hi Jeff,

    Thanks for the suggestion, we are always exploring ways to enhance 1Password, and love hearing what our users want. While we can't directly discuss our future plans, I have noted down your request! I agree - this would be quite useful!

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