The multiple vaults dilemma

Community Member

Hi guys,

I've updated my 1p to the last version but I'm still confused about multiple vault. Maybe what I want it's something 1P can't (still) provide.

This is what I need:

  • 1 important vault (bank accounts, super secret data) with a very strong password.
  • 1 normal vault (mostly forum passwords and secondary stuff) with a weak but quick password.

So far both 1P apps (desktop and iOS) always ask for the main (safe) password at start, and this is what I want to avoid. Especially on the go, I don't want the risk someone is able to see me digit my strong password when I only need a secondary website login.

I was hoping that, once you create and sync multiple vaults, you could access them directly just typing their passwords at start. Example:

  • safe vault (bank) with "ThisIsSecure##%¥1245" password (just an example)
  • unsafe vault with "hello" password.

If at login I type "hello" I go directly in that vault, but not in safe one.

So far, instead, I can only type the main one, and it will give access to secondary too (so I had to discard the "genious" idea of "swap" them, keeping unsecure data in main vault and secure ones in secondary vault).

Is there a way to achieve what I need? keep important data safe when I only need secondary one (avoiding to expose my important password just to access unimportant stuff)?
Something like the demo one (but being able to use a personalized word as password, instead of "demo").

To give you a better idea, the old concept in previous versions of 1Password, where you could choose a record as "high protected". So, with a first, simple password you unlocked normal data and with a more secure one, all important ones. it's something I'm really missing from previous app.

I hope I was able to explain it clearly. :)

Have a nice day.


  • Good afternoon, @lock, and thanks for taking the time to write in. You absolutely explained what you're looking for clearly. You are not the first person to bring up this idea to us and it's something we're talking about internally. I can't comment on when, or if, this feature will make it into 1Password. However, your voice has certainly been heard and I've added your description to our bug tracker so we can be sure to consider your use case along with this new feature.

    Thank you for being passionate enough to write in with ways to improve 1Password. It's because of customers like you that we get to do what we love every day!

  • _elduderino_
    Community Member

    I wanted to add to what the OP stated above.

    1) When you have multiple (i.e. primary and secondary) vaults in iOS (v.4.5), and select the secondary vault in your settings and then close/exit out of the app, when you re-open the app you have to input the primary master password each time. Also, I noticed that when you input your primary master password, that it reverts back to the primary vault in apps settings. It would be nice if: a) the app would remember the last vault selected in the settings (Settings->Vaults) and b). that you could enter in the master password of the vault that is currently set.

    2) I have two vaults set-up on my MAC (v.4.3), and I shared the secondary with my wife. I noticed that when you try and just sync with the secondary vault upon set-up in iOS that it will throw an error. The only way around it was to import the primary vault first, and then add the second. It would be nice if you could just sync your non-primary vault. I should add that I'm using Dropbox to sync.

    Those are just minor quirks that I would love to see in a future release. I do want to share that I am a fairly new user of your software and love it. It's my new favorite app on iOS...fantastic job guys!

  • Jasper

    Thanks so much for your feedback! We hope to can improve multiple vaults on iOS in the future. :)

  • loumatrix
    Community Member


    I know 1Password would only look for files named 1Password.agilekeychain during the initial sync setup. But that is in the initial sync. Everytime I switch apps and return to 1Password it always forgets the vault I selected and returns to the vault called "Primary". Not mission critical but really annoying to the user experience.

    In other words. I too have this problem.


  • Thanks for the up-votes everyone, it does help us prioritize fixes for future versions.

  • lock
    Community Member

    Many thanks, MrRooni. :)

  • jim.7707
    Community Member

    I just purchased 1PW of IOS and was hoping to do something similar to the OP but I guess it is not possible.

    I had hoped to keep my existing primary vault on my mac mini which would contain all my data and then create a secondary vault "mobile" which would contain only low value info like forum logins etc. Then I was hoping to be able to then sync ONLY this secondary vault with my iPhone while keeping the primary high value info on the mac mini. But I take it you must have the primary vault on the iPhone also which I refuse to do. Oh well, back to manually keeping track of passwords on the iPhone.

  • MrRooni

    Hello Jim. I'm sorry for the trouble. You actually could still do what you're intending. Set up 1Password on your iPhone as if you are a new user and create an empty primary vault that does not sync. Once you've done that you can then tap on Settings > Vaults > Add Vault and add your "mobile" vault there.

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