1Password 4.5 for iOS is AWESOME but...

Community Member

THANK YOU to the guys/gals at AgileBits who created 1Password 4.5 for iOS. So great to finally have access to my Shared Vaults on my iPhone and iPad. 1Password is one of my indispensable Apps. Love it. Adore it. Evangelise about it. The new iOS app is AWESOME, but it as with any first release there are a few points where it could do better...

Setup too complex for multiple vaults -- LOVE the support for multiple Vaults, but streamline the setup please, please, please! When selecting my primary Vault via Dropbox why not also load a list of all my others then prompt me through them. Wasn't difficult for me to set up, but dreading trying to talk my Family through these setups. Make it simpler please.

Setup script please -- and while you're at it why not just implement a setup script that walks users through the setup process, including customising settings and security (see below)? This would introduce people more directly to 1Password's features and you could even add a box at the end to tell your mates. Win win for everyone. Make it easier for my Mum to use and I'll be more likely to ADORE you gals/guys even more. Would be great to have this on PC/Mac apps too.

Accessing vaults too complicated -- On the iPad it takes 3 clicks to change Vaults. On the iPhone it's 4 clicks! Soooo, on the iPad you Click on Gear, then click Vaults, then click to select your Vault. It does automatically change to Categories list. Whew! On the iPhone you start with the same 3 clicks but it doesn't automatically load the Categories list so you have to manually click the Categories (or Favourites) icon, making it a total of 4 clicks! My poor aching digits. Really would help to have a button to quickly switch between my Vaults. Simplify me please...

Settings > Security > Clear Clipboard -- the default for this should be 3 Minutes or even 30 Seconds NOT Never. Leaving usernames and/or passwords in your clipboard is an extreme security risk and the default should be more security not less. Many users will fail to notice this setting and thus leave things in their clipboard without realising the risks. More security by default please!

Hope this helps make a great app even better. Cheers!


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @londan,

    Thanks so much for taking the time to write such detailed feedback! Much of what you mention has been mentioned as well by other users, and we're already working to make 1Password 4.5 for iOS even better. I can't speak much about unreleased features, but we're listening. :)

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