ios update removed dropbox sync

Bob Greaves
Bob Greaves
Community Member

I finally got it figured out but somehow the last update from the app store on my ipad updated to the lastest version of 1password but the update removed the sync to dropbox and none of my updated dropbox passwords were showing up in the iPad version. Can I expect that updates will unsync me, did I do something incorrect or was this a glitch?


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Bob,

    I sincerely apologize for the trouble here. The update from version 4.3.2 to 4.5 did not properly migrate our users' sync settings over, so sync did have to be manually reset after the upgrade. Future updates should not unsync you again.

    I'm glad to hear you got yourself synced up, if you hit any further snags, we're here for you!

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