Download files in 1Browser on iOS?

Community Member

I'd love to be able to handle downloaded files in 1Browser so that the file could be opened in another app. For instance, I download import files from my bank websites and "Open In" MoneyWell on the iPad in order to import transactions. Right now, I have to do this in Safari, with the copying and pasting of passwords that entails. It would be awesome if it could be done straight from 1Password. As it stands, 1Password will only send the file download URL to Safari.

I've tested various third-party browser apps on my iPad out of curiosity, and not all of them can download such files, but some do. iCab Mobile is a good example of a browser that handles it well.


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @tamaracks,

    Thanks so much for letting us know that you're interested in a feature like this. You're not the only one who is interested in some more robust features in 1Browser, and I'm happy to pass your thoughts along to our developers.

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