website redirects [known issue; will be fixed in future update]

Community Member
edited May 2014 in Mac

I have a credit card site for which I've had a 1Password login that has worked well for quite a long time. But recently that credit card site changed things such that now when I double click the 1Password login for that site, the page redirects to some new welcome page with no place to enter my credentials. If I go into that 1Password login, copy the website URL and then manually enter that URL into a web browser, it goes to the correct page where I can then manually enter my username and password. But if I instead try to get 1Password to do that for me, the redirect takes hold and sends me to some welcome page instead. I even made a new login from scratch to see if that would help but no. It goes to the welcome page rather than the credit card login page. Is there any way to work around this?? As is, I am and will be forced to manually enter everything which sort of defeats at least a good part of the reason for using 1Password. Thoughts??? thanks... bob..


  • MikeT
    edited May 2014

    Hi @diltto,

    Would it be possible for you to tell us the credit card's URL? We'll see if there is an address that'll work the best.

  • diitto
    Community Member

    Yes, I guess I can do that. The 1Password Login I’ve used for a long time to access this citi credit card site has a URL of

    If you manually plug that URL into a web browser, at least for me it brings you to the correct login page, the one I’ve used for quite some time. And if you have an appropriate username and password, you can enter them on this page and in you go, still today.

    But that URL will no longer work when it is contained in the 1Password Login I’ve successfully used many times until recently. Now, when I fire off the 1Password Login, instead of going to the above URL, it instead redirects to

    which is NOT a login page for the citi credit card. It’s an overarching webpage that includes banking, credit cards, all sorts of stuff. If you now use the “Sign on to your Account” pulldown and in that pulldown select “Credit Cards”, now you’re again taken to the correct login page.

    So the bottom line is they’ve done something to change their site (only recently) such that if I manually select the URL, it works. But if I select that same URL as part of my 1Password Login, it fails by sending me not to a login page but instead to some higher level overview page.

    So there you have it. Anyway can yo suggest any method by which I can still use 1Password on a site like this???

    thanks… bob

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni
    edited May 2014

    Hi bob ( @diitto ),

    Thanks for the detailed followup. I was able to reproduce the problem here with redirecting to using Go & Fill from the main 1Password application and mini item details.

    As alternatives, try searching for the Login item in 1Password mini, then pressing Return to Go & Fill with it. Or open the page first, then fill with 1Password (e.g. using the Command-\ keyboard shortcut for Fill Login on current web page).

    Please let me know if that works for you. And thanks again for reporting this bug, which we're filing in our tracker.


  • diitto
    Community Member

    Wow, very good. I tried both approaches you described above. The second option you suggested,

    "Or open the page first, then fill with 1Password (e.g. using the Command-\ keyboard shortcut for Fill Login on current web page)."

    certainly works. So thanks for that. With the first option you suggested,

    "As alternatives, try searching for the Login item in 1Password mini, then pressing Return to Go & Fill with it."

    I found the following. If my web browser (I use Safari) is already open when I do what you say above, I type say the first two letters of "citi" into the search window of 1Password Mini (or at least what I think is 1Password Mini, the icon in the Menu Bar??), I then see the city credit card Login highlighted in the Mini, I then simply click "Return" and in that case, the correct page (login page) comes up, gets autofilled and I get in to the site. However, what I've observed (and I tried this several times) is that if Safari is NOT open when I do the above, Safari instead opens to the Welcome.c page and then have to manually go forward from there...

    That's more an observation and a curiosity than anything, why would it work if Safari is already open and not work if Safari is originally closed??? I tried it both ways several times and I think what I say about Safari needing to be open is a consistent result. Anyway, since I usually have Safari already open, I will use this first option about searching in 1Password Mini and letting it auto complete the login from there.

    thanks for the help. bob...

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @diitto bob! :)

    Until this bug is squished I'm glad you've now got a way not to be stung by it.

    However, what I've observed (and I tried this several times) is that if Safari is NOT open when I do the above, Safari instead opens to the Welcome.c page and then have to manually go forward from there...

    Thank you for that astute observation and report.

    Whether the browser is currently running or not can sometimes be a factor in how 1Password (mis)behaves. I have some idea why it matters in this case and will try to confirm it and let you know.

  • diitto
    Community Member

    I appreciate the help. thanks much. bob

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi again, bob @diitto!

    A bit more detail about this bug: it's caused by "credit" being in the URL of the website field used for the Login item.

    I thought you might like to know since you get credit (ouch) for reporting it. :)

  • diitto
    Community Member

    Good play on words... ;-) I appreciate all the help. Heck I didn't even know how to use 1Password Mini before this even though I've used 1Password for years. I guess I just don't play around enough with the tools you guys provide... I used to launch everything from the 1Password app. That's not to say I didn't realize there were more tools I might like but you know, the "old dog new tricks" idea hadn't yet come to me. So now I'm really dangerous, with logins that is. thanks much.. bob

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    I'm an old dog still learning new 1Password tricks, too. :)

    The keyboard shortcuts mentioned in this blog post can come in handy if you end up using 1Password mini more:

    1Password 4.3 for Mac: The full release notes

    They haven't made it into this list yet:

    1Password 4 keyboard shortcuts

    Have fun!

  • diitto
    Community Member

    I will check them out... thanks... bob...

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    You're welcome, bob. Enjoy the rest of your evening!

  • diitto
    Community Member

    and you as well... bob

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    I'm going to close this topic now that we've covered the issue here, plus a bit more. Feel free to start a new one if anything else comes up. :)

This discussion has been closed.