3 Suggestions regarding smart folders

Ayara Nidajat
Ayara Nidajat
Community Member
edited May 2014 in Mac

Just "discovered" this morning that you added the smart folders (sorry if I am a bit "outdated") :). Congratulations!!! That's a great improvement!!
I would like to be able to:

1- Add another search criteria: to be able to search by Category.
2- When you double tap (click or tap with 2 fingers/Ctrl click) a folder (to create a new folder under it) you get a sub menu ("New Folder", "Rename" and "Delete"). It would be great if you added a "New Smart Folder" option.
3- Add a keyboard shortcut to create a new smart folder (Cmd+Shift+N ?)

Thanks and have a great day.


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi Ayara,

    I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying Smart Folders! Smart Folders have actually been present since 1Password 3, but I agree, they're so useful! Thanks so much for providing these improvement tips. Currently the Cmd+Shift+N keyboard shortcut is used to create a new item within the currently selected category, but a folder shortcut does sound like a good idea. Our developers are always searching for ways to make 1Password more user-friendly, and I'm happy to pass your thoughts along to them. :)

  • Ayara Nidajat
    Ayara Nidajat
    Community Member

    Thanks Megan!

  • On behalf of Megan, you're welcome. Please let us know if you have any other questions! :)

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