Sync incompatiblity between Desktop and ios

Community Member

I've been using 1password for maybe two years with no issues syncing between windows, mac, iphone, ipad etc using dropbox.

Recently the sync on my iphone seems to have stopped. When I go to re-enable it, it searches drop box for 1password.agilekeychain and doesn't find it because all my other devices have been happily syncing against brianf.agilekeychain forever. Since ios doesn't find it, it wants to create a whole new folder stucture under /apps/1password etc.

This seems like a failed migration or missing use case in the ios device. Why can't I tell it where my keychain is, and has always been? I don't really want to go around to all my systems and devices and move around the keychain files.


  • hawkmoth
    Community Member
    edited May 2014

    I'm not a support person, but I have read that the current release will only recognize Dropbox vaults with the default name. Yours has been changed from that, which I gather is the root of your issue, again from what I've read here. The support advice has been to rename your database file back to the default name. I think they are working on changing this requirement.

    Hope this helps you a little while you wait for support from someone with more detailed instructions. I think you'll be able to find detailed directions by search the forms here, though.

    Edit: This post by @Megan is helpful.

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