FEATURE REQUEST: Add attachment via Mac built-in camera

Community Member

I am somewhat enamored with the idea of maintaining a virtual wallet in 1Password (i.e, by adding images of real things in my physical wallet to my 1Password entires, like driver's licenses or passwords, as described here: http://www.iphonejd.com/iphone_jd/2014/02/creating-a-digital-wallet.html (thanks to @ings for pointing out this article, per http://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/comment/125641/#Comment_125641)

But currently the process is a bit cumbersome - and not too safe - in that one has to scan something like a drivers license, save it as a file to their mac, and then upload it as an attachment to a 1Password item... How cool would it be, for Macs equipped with a camera, if one could open 1Password, select an item, and then select edit, and then have an option to "Take a picture using camera" (in addition to the current "Drag and drop here" or "choose file" options).


  • Thanks for the suggestion! I'll pass your comments along to the developers. :)

  • buggypac
    Community Member

    @somainer What is the point of attaching photos of the cards? Surely the point of a digital wallet is that you can instantly enter the data on websites, by copy-pasting the fields. So store all of your cards as text-data, with the card numbers, expiration dates, etc, as text fields. No images needed. No database-bloat with megabytes of photo data. All data easily copiable as text... seems superior to me.

  • alanshutko
    Community Member

    Ideally, you'd have both the data and the image. You may need to produce the image in some cases. For example, it is recommended that you save a copy of your passport in case you lose it while traveling.

  • benfdc
    Community Member

    Having photos of my drivers license, health insurance cards, and passport in my keychain has proven useful to me on many occasions. I like @somainer‌'s suggestion, and see it as applicable to all platforms, not just the Mac.

  • Thanks for the feedback, everyone!

This discussion has been closed.