Step by Step instruction on how to change my online bank password to one generated by 1Password

Community Member

I know it appears daft but is there a Step by Step instruction on how to change my online bank password to one generated by 1Password. I think I know how but its too important to get wrong


  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    Are you familiar with changing other passwords with 1Password? Or is there something special about how your bank works that makes you more cautious than usual? That would help us know how to be more helpful in answering your request.

  • PeterC
    Community Member

    I'm brand new to 1Password, I don't think there's anything special to the bank system. It would be nice to see the process for something like eBay.

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member
    edited June 2014

    Well, each web site is a little bit different from every other one, but generically it often goes like this:

    1. Log in to your account as you normal would.

    2. Find the option to manage your passwords and open that.

    3. Usually you will be asked there to enter your current password again, even though you've already done that.

    4. Then there usually are two fields to enter your new password and confirm it.

    5. For the new password, I open mini with the key icon in the menu bar. It will usually show a line for the website I'm logged into and a line or two farther down, I see the Password Generator.

    6. Hover the mouse over the line for Password Generator. A new password appears in the fly out window, like this:

    7. Note that there is a button to the right of the new password that says Fill. Click that and your new password should be filled into the new password field and the confirm password field on the web site.

    8. Do what is needed to save your change on the web site, and 1Password usually will pop up a dialog asking if you want to revise the record for this site. Answer Yes and your new password will also be recorded in your 1Password database for the next time you want to log on.

    It took me a little practice to become comfortable with this, and it's a little disconcerting that every web site handles this in a somewhat different way. But I think most of them work as I've described.

    It would be good for AgileBits to add a tutorial about doing this to the documentation.

    I hope this helps, at least a little.

    Edit: I actually numbered these steps from 1-8, but for some reason the forum software thinks I wanted to start over at 1 after the attached image.

    [Inserted a couple spaces before your inserted image to fix up the post-image numbering. :) --Admin]

  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    1Password usually will pup up a dialog asking if you want to revise the record for this site.

    Note the word "usually". Even if this dialog does not appear, the new password will have been saved in the Passwords category and can just be copied to your login.

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    Good catch @danco‌. And that Password category confuses lots of new users, so it's good to bring its function into this discussion.

  • PeterC
    Community Member

    Thanks guys I'll have another go tomorrow as I'm out this evening. I don't know how we can encourage Agilebits to add some simple instructions to their glossy pretty but useless marketing hype. Perhaps they need a few more simpletons like myself.

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member
    edited May 2014

    I just found this referenced in one of @Megan's posts. There is documentation for how to change passwords after all. I don't know why my search terms failed to find it.

    Here is the article.

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