Cannot access 1P4 on one of 3 devices, Master Pass not working, not syncing?
I have been a 1Pass user from early versions, and am having the following issue.
I have 1 pass installed on my MBPro, iPhone 5s and MacMini. The Mini has been out of commission for awhile, and I recently migrated the whole thing to a new mac mini. Ever since firing this new mini up, running 1Pass 4, it asks for a master pass and it does not accept the one that I use on my iPhone and MB pro.
I cannot figure this out, It says here ( on another forum topic that 1Pass 4 auto syncs the master pass across all devices, and that you CANNOT use a different Master PAss?!? I am using Dropbox sync.
FYI, I have also tried using all iterations of past MAster Pass's that I could think of, but nothing, I cannot get in. But I can from all the other devices...
What do I do? I have even tried deleting the application 1Pass4 and seeing if on re-install, it asks me to find and re-sync the dropbox folder? maybe there is a preference file or plist file I can delete to see if it will re-ask me to access the dropbox and then it will see the synced Master Pass?
There is a knowledge base article here on how to start over. I'm guessing that if you do that on your new Mac mini you'll be able to pick up the Dropbox sync and repopulate the new 1P4 with all your data. Proceed with caution, however (e.g., ensure you make a current backup, from 1P4 > Preferences > Backup, on the MB Pro).