iOS 8 Beta - Touch ID API

Community Member

When I seen Apple show Touch ID was going to be open for 3rd party developers I instantly thought of 1Password and the folks at agilebits. With a previous update you all made it much easier by enabling a 'pin code' to unlock the vault. But before that entering my some odd 30 digit Master Password was a hassel.

Once you all implement Touch ID access it is really going to enhance the speed and usability.

Just wanted to say how excited I am for it!

Also I signed up for the iOS Beta program from you all, hope to hear back soon!


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @sovanbu‌

    I'm so glad to hear that you're excited about the possibilities here. Our team was pretty giddy too! You can read some of our (very) initial thoughts on our blog.

    Obviously, since we just learned this news, we don't have much to say yet, but it's going to be a fun and busy year. :)

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